
This module helps you to integrate PlotProjects plugin in react native mobile apps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plotprojectsReactNativeModule from '';



You can find PlotProjects official documentation here

You can also find an example ReactNative application with PlotProjects reactNative module integrated here

Step-1 Install PlotProjects ReactNative module

npm install plotprojects-react-native-module --save

Step-2 Add plotconfig.json file to both Android and iOS projects

Here you can find instruction for iOS and Android.

Step-3 Initialize PlotProjects SDK

In order to initialize PlotProjects plugin, you need add the following code to your App.js:

import PermissionsAndroid from 'react-native';

import Plot from 'plotprojects-react-native-module';

const requestLocationPermission = async () => {
    try {
        if(Platform.OS === "ios") {
        } else {
            const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.requestMultiple(
            if (granted['android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION'] === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED
                  || granted['android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION'] === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED
                  || granted['android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION'] === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED
            ) {
              console.log("Location permission granted!");
            } else {
              console.log("Location permission denied");
    } catch (err) {


The previous code requests location permission before enabling PlotProjects plugin. The actual code for initializing PlotProjects plugin is the Plot.initialize();. The rest if for requesting location permissions.

Advanced integration

This module supports the following methods:

  • Plot.initialize(); Used to initialize PlotProjects plugin.
  • Plot.setAdvertisingId('my_IDFA', limitTracking); Used to set the advertising identifier. First parameter is a string represents the value of the Advertising Identifier you want to set and the second is a boolean specifies if tracking is limited or not.
  • Plot.enable() Enables PlotProjects plugin after disabling it. When you initialize the plugin using Plot.initialize() it is enabled by default.
  • Plot.disable() Disables PlotProjects plugin.
  • Plot.isEnabled(callback); Checks if PlotProjects plugin is enabled. Callback will receive one boolean argument represents the result of this check.
  • Plot.sendAttributionEvent("read_flyer", "discounts_week_12"); Sets an attribution event with key and value. It can be useful to tie some actions users take to events.
  • Plot.setStringSegmentationProperty("gender", "man"); Sets a string segmentation property.
  • Plot.setBooleanSegmentationProperty("is_true", true); Sets a boolean segmentation property.
  • Plot.setIntegerSegmentationProperty("count", 10); Sets an integer segmentation property.
  • Plot.setLongSegmentationProperty("count", 9999999999); Sets a long segmentation property.
  • Plot.setDoubleSegmentationProperty("avg", 5.5); Sets a double segmentation property.
  • Plot.setDateSegmentationProperty("today", date.getTime()); Sets a date/time segmentation property.
  • Plot.registerNotificationFilter(callback); Registers a notification filter so that you can filter notifications before they are sent to the user. An example of a call to that method is:
Plot.registerNotificationFilter((batchId, notifications) => {
        notifications[0]['message'] = 'New message';
        Plot.filterNotifications(batchId, JSON.stringify(notifications));

You need to call Plot.filterNotifications(batchId, JSON.stringify(notifications)); when you finish filtering with the filtered result. The batchId is important to identify which batch this result belongs to.

  • Plot.registerGeotriggerHandler(callback) register a geotrigger handler. An example of a call to this method is:
Plot.registerGeotriggerHandler((batchId, geotriggers) => {
        Plot.handleGeotriggers(batchId, JSON.stringify(geotriggers));

You need to call Plot.handleGeotriggers(batchId, JSON.stringify(geotriggers)); after you finish handling the geotriggers with the handled result. The batchId is important to identify which batch this result belongs to.

  • Plot.registerNotificationOpenHandler(callback); register a callback when user opens (tabs) a notification. Callback will have one parameter represents the opened notification.
  • Plot.getLoadedNotifications(callback); retrieve the nearest 200 loaded notifications. Callback will have one parameter contains an array of the loaded notifications.
  • Plot.getLoadedGeotriggers(callback); retrieve the nearest 200 loaded geotriggers. Callback will have one parameter contains an array of the loaded geotriggers.