
A module that implements mvc software architecture on top of express module

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plugdoMvc from '';



A module that implements mvc web software architecture on top of express module. It help you focus in the implementation of the business logic, instead of writing express routing each time you need a new section. It also avoid the callback hell because you are forced to implement your request methods like get, post, put and delete using class and async functions ES6. You don't even have access to the res and next functions provided by express module, but you can get access to the res and next functions writing your own middlewares.

Compatibility: Node.js version 6+ and Express version 4+

Install with npm:

npm install plugdo-mvc --save

IMPORTANT Directory Structure

In order to found the components, a directory structure must be created as follow:

- public
- source
- views (*Required if you installed a view engine like ejs)

Directories definitions:

public: you will add the html, css, js and font files.
source: the JavaScript files will be added here.
views: Any view engine file will be added here.



Create a new page is easy, just add a new file in the directory source, plugdo MVC will load the new file after initialization, the loading is not automatic. You must restart the nodejs execution.

First, start the plugdo-mvc server. (use nodemon for development is recommended)

const path = require("path");
const PlugdoMvc = require("plugdo-mvc");

let options = {
    dirname: __dirname

global.mvc = new PlugdoMvc(opts); // The instance must be added to the global context.

Create a page, adding a file in the directory source. The page must return a json model. An example is:

const Page = require("plugdo-mvc/Page");

class UserPage extends Page {
    constructor() {
        ** Parameters
        ** - path: Always start with the /.
        ** - view_file: The file will be found in the views directory.
        ** - middleware (It is optional. It could be a express middleware function).
        super("/users", "users.html");
        this.methods = {
            get: this.get,

    async get(req) {
        return {
            title: "Users"

    async post(req) {
        return {
            title: "Users"
} UserPage()); // the mvc will be found because It was added to the global context

The expected URL will be:

You provide the path and the view file as parameters in the super function.

View Engines

Implement a view engine is simple. Let's check the following example including the plugdo-view-engine module.

const path = require("path");
const { pve } = require("plugdo-view-engine");
const md = require('marked-engine-highlightjs');
const PlugdoMvc = require("plugdo-mvc");

let options = {
    dirname: __dirname

global.mvc = new PlugdoMvc(opts);

// Register the view engine
** Parameters
** - file_extension: The extension of the file.
** - view engine: The view engine render.

// EJS View Engine
// You must install the ejs view engine:
// npm install ejs --save
mvc.set('view engine', 'ejs');

// Markdown View Engine
mvc.engine('md', md.renderFile);

// Plugdo View Engine
mvc.engine('html', pve.render);
pve.setPath(path.resolve(__dirname) + "/components");

// All the files with extension .html will be render using the plugdo-view-engine.

mvc.page404 = "/404.html";


Create a new service is easy, just add a new file in the directory source, plugdo MVC will load the new file after initialization, the loading is not automatic. You must restart the nodejs execution.

class UserService {
    get() {
        return [
            { id: 1, amount: 20 },
            { id: 2, amount: 70 },
            { id: 3, amount: 10 },

mvc.service("userService", new UserService());

You can use this service in your page or api as follow:

const Page = require("plugdo-mvc/Page");

class UserPage extends Page {
    constructor() {
        ... // Code hidden

    async get(req) {
        let service = mvc.service("userService");
        return service.get();

    .... // Code hidden
} UserPage()); // the mvc will be found because It was added to the global context


Create a new api is easy, just add a new file in the directory source, plugdo MVC will load the new file after initialization, the loading is not automatic. You must restart the nodejs execution.

const Api = require("plugdo-mvc/Api");

class UserAPI extends Api {
    constructor() {

        ** Parameters
        ** - path: Always start with the /.
        ** - middleware (It is optional. It could be a express middleware function).
        this.methods = {
            get: this.get,
            put: this.put,
            delete: this.delete

    async get(req) {
        let service = mvc.service("userService");
        return service.get();

    async post(req) {
        return {
            success: true

    async put(req) {
        return {
            success: true

    async delete(req) {
        return {
            success: true

mvc.api(new UserAPI());

The expected URL will be:

Global Middleware

You can defined a global middleware to manage any authorization logic. The global middleware is provided as parameter when you create the PlugdoMvc instance. This global middleware will be executed before any other middleware registered, even before the express return the files from the public directory. You can apply authorization logic to the public files.

const path = require("path");
const PlugdoMvc = require("plugdo-mvc");

let options = {
    dirname: __dirname,
    middleware: (req, res, next) => {
        // You can add any logic here.. maybe authorization access control?

global.mvc = new PlugdoMvc(opts);


Extra Features


Redirect to another page is simple. Just return the property "redirectTo" in the model.

const Page = require("plugdo-mvc/Page");

class LoginPage extends Page {
    constructor() {
        super("/login", "login.html");
        this.methods = {
            get: this.get

    async get(req) {
        let service = mvc.service("loginService");
        let result = await service.login(req.query);

        if(result.success) {
            return {
                redirectTo: "/dashboard"
        else {
            return {
                success: false,
                error: "Username or password are incorrect",
                errorCode: 703
} LoginPage()); // the mvc will be found because It was added to the global context

Api and Page Second Argument

All the request methods receive the first argument req but also you receive a second argument with few properties availables.

Page Second Argument


async get(req, opts) {
    ** Properties availables in the opts argument
    ** - append (
    ** - cookie (
    ** - clearCookie (
    ** - attachment (
    ** - download (
    ** - get (
    ** - type (
    ** All the properties are documented in express js documentation.

    return {
        success: true


Api Second Argument


async get(req, opts) {
    ** Properties availables in the opts argument
    ** - append (
    ** - cookie (
    ** - clearCookie (
    ** - get (
    ** All the properties are documented in express js documentation.

    return {
        success: true


Global MVC Object

The global mvc object provides some useful properties.

mvc.server; // This is the express instance
mvc._port; // This is the port
mvc._paths; // This property save all the paths of the Pages and Apis
mvc._dirname; // This is the __dirname
mvc._filePath; // This is the path.resolve(mvc._dirname)

Quick Notes

The req parameter injected in the page and api method is the express object, if you need more details about the properties available, just go to documentation.