A library for creating plugin systems.
npm install pluggin
yarn add pluggin
- The core type pluggin exports is the
Plugin<I, O>
. It represents a plugin which accepts an input of typeI
and produces an output of typeO
. - There are 2 types of plugins, a function style plugin and a class style plugin represented by the
FunctionPlugin<I, O>
andClassPlugin<I, O>
types resepectively. - A function style plugin is really just a function which accepts a parameter of type
and returns a value of typeO
. - A class style plugin is represented by a class which has an
method which takes in a parameter of typeI
and returns a value of typeO
import { Plugin, execute } from 'pluggin';
const doublerPlugin: Plugin<number, number> = (input: number) => input * 2;
const result = execute(doublerPlugin, 25); // result = 25
const convertResultToString: Plugin<number, string> = (result: number) => `The result is ${result}`;
const message = execute(convertResultToString, 50); // message = 'The result is 50'
Combining plugin executions
Plugins can be combined in series or parallel.
Combining plugins in series will cause them to be chained which means the type of the output of one plugin has to be the type of the input of the next plugin.
import { Plugin, series, execute } from 'pluggin';
interface MathProblem {
operand1: number;
operator: string;
operand2: number;
const solve: Plugin<MathProblem, number> = (problem: MathProblem) => {
const { operand1, operator, operand2 } = problem;
switch (operator) {
case '+':
return operand1 + operand2;
case '-':
return operand1 - operand2;
case '*':
return operand1 * operand2;
case '/':
return operand1 / operand2;
return NaN;
const resultLogger: Plugin<number, void> = (result: number) => console.log(`The result is ${result}`);
const mathProblemSolver = series(solve, resultLogger);
execute(mathProblemSolver, {
operand1: 25,
operator: '+',
operand2: 75,
}); // STDOUT: The result is 100
execute(mathProblemSolver, {
operand1: 10,
operator: '*',
operand2: 5,
}); // STDOUT: The result is 50
Plugins can also be combined in parallel. The parallel plugins will have their outputs combined and the combined output gets passed on to the next plugin.
import { Plugin, ClassPlugin, series, parallel, execute } from 'pluggin';
interface MathQuestion {
problem: MathProblem; // MathProblem interface from series section above.
result: number;
type LoggerOutput = Record<string, string>;
// Class style plugin
class Logger implements ClassPlugin<MathQuestion, LoggerOutput> {
private id = (n: number) => Math.ceil(Math.random() * Math.pow(10, n)) % Math.pow(10, n);
private current = () => `${new Date().getTime()}`;
private logId = () => `${this.current()}-${}`;
execute(question: MathQuestion): LoggerOutput {
const { operand1, operator, operand2 } = question.problem;
const { result } = question;
return {
[this.logId()]: `[LOGGER] ${operand1} ${operator} ${operand2} = ${result}`,
class RandomQuestionSolver implements ClassPlugin<MathQuestion[], MathQuestion> {
private getRandomIndex = (n: number) => Math.ceil(Math.random() * n) % n;
private chooseRandomQuestion = (questions: MathQuestion[]) => questions[this.getRandomIndex(questions.length)];
execute(questions: MathQuestion[]) {
const question = this.chooseRandomQuestion(questions);
return {
problem: question.problem,
result: execute(solve, question.problem), // solve plugin from series section above.
const loggedMessages = execute(
series(new RandomQuestionSolver(), new Logger()),
series(new RandomQuestionSolver(), new Logger())
{ problem: { operand1: 25, operator: '+', operand2: 25 } },
{ problem: { operand1: 10, operator: '*', operand2: 5 } },
{ problem: { operand1: 121, operator: '/', operand2: 11 } },
* {
* '1588620157805-64667': '[LOGGER] 25 + 25 = 50',
* '1588620157805-912728': '[LOGGER] 10 * 5 = 50'
* }