
SystemJS / JSPM plugin for loading and caching angular templates

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pluginNgTemplate from '';



NPM Build

SystemJS / JSPM plugin for loading and caching angular templates

Inspired by ngtemplate-loader for Webpack.


Easiest to install and configure with JSPM.

Installing with JSPM via npm repo:

jspm install ng-template=npm:plugin-ng-template

Installing with JSPM via github repo:

jspm install ng-template=github:jamespamplin/plugin-ng-template


Importing or requiring an angular html template with !ng-template appended to the end will invoke the plugin, and load the html source into angular's $templateCache.

// ES6 angular module
import angular from 'angular';

import myTemplate from 'my-template.html!ng-template';

export default angular.module( 'myModule', [] )
  .directive( 'myDirective', function() {
    return {
      templateUrl: myTemplate.templateUrl,
      // ...
  } );

The above syntax uses the templateUrl property which is exported from the loaded template. The templateUrl property stores the url which was used to cache the template in the $templateCache.

The cache is global, and can be used anywhere a template URL is used, such as in an ng-include or in routes.

// File: app.js
import angular from 'angular';
import 'angular-route';

import mainTemplate from 'templates/main-template.html';
import 'templates/other-template.html';

angular.module( 'myApp', [ 'ngRoute' ] )
  .config( function( $routeProvider ) {
      .when( '/', {
        templateUrl: mainTemplate.templateUrl,
        controller: 'MainController'
      } )
  } );
<!-- File: templates/main-template.html -->
<div ng-include=" 'templates/other-template.html' "></div>



By default, all template URLs will be derived from the baseURL as its configured by SystemJS.

System.config( { baseURL: '/assets' } );

For the above config, the template file: /assets/templates/my-template.html will be cached as templates/my-template.html.

<div ng-include=" 'templates/my-template.html' "></div>

To use a server relative URL instead, set:

System.config( {
  ngTemplatePlugin: {
    serverRelative: true
} );

This will ensure all templates are cached against their server relative url.

<div ng-include=" '/assets/templates/my-template.html' "></div>