Plugwise API for nodejs
The basic idea for this API is simply to make controllign your appliances as intuitive as possible. There will be much more info coming soon, but for now this is basically how you use it:
// use this module
var plugwiseApi = require('plugwisejs');
// enter and connect to your plugwise stick by entering its location
// on your system (this example is for the mac, on unix it
// would be something more like /dev/ttyUSB0).
var plugwise = plugwiseApi.init({log: 1, serialport: '/dev/tty.usbserial-A8005W6k'});
// create an instance of your appliance by entering its MAC address
var lamp = plugwise('000Dxxxxxxxxxxx');
// turn it off
The following are the current commands that work.
Begin with:
var plugwiseApi = require('plugwisejs');
var plugwise = plugwiseApi.init({log: 1, serialport: '/dev/tty.usbserial-A8005W6k'});
var circle = plugwise('000Dxxxxxxxxxxx');
Turn a circle off
Turn a circle on
Get basic info from a circle, such as if it is on and what time the internal clock is set to{relay: [boolean], clock: [date]});
Set the circles clock
circle.setclock(date, callback);
Get current power consumtion
circle.powerinfo(callback({watt: [number], kWh: [number], pulses: [number] }));
Read the power buffer
// Returns todays power consumtion as an array of dates and {watt: [number], kWh: [number], pulses: [number] }
// Returns the amount of hours back in time of power consumtion as an array of dates and {watt: [number], kWh: [number], pulses: [number] }
circle.powerbufferinfo([number], callback([array]);
// Returns the dates power consumtion as an array of dates and {watt: [number], kWh: [number], pulses: [number] }
circle.powerbufferinfo([date], callback([array]);
// Returns the dates interval power consumtion as an array of dates and {watt: [number], kWh: [number], pulses: [number] }
circle.powerbufferinfo([[date], [date]], callback([array]);