
Plum Models

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plumDocumentdbModels from '';



This repository contains the sequelize models and the plum.databases.documentdb.

NOTE: Database script development will continue within this repository under the databases/ folder. plum.databases.documentdb development will be redirected to this repository.


  • node 8.10+
  • jest

[Optional] MSSQL Setup

This is how the bitbucket-pipelines is setting up its MSSQL

docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=yourStrong(!)Password' -p 1433:1433 --name mssql -d microsoft/mssql-server-linux:latest


Create a .env file

example content, configure depending on how you setup your MSSQL server


Running Tests

The objective of running the tests is to make sure that the orm models, model associations and database scripts are compatible.

# install all dependencies
npm i

# to test
npm test

# to test individual file/s
jest __test__/Filename1 __test__/Filename2


What to test

Every change in the model requires an update in the tests under the __tests__/ folder.

  • column/attribute changes
    • please update the corresponding factory object under the __tests__/factories/ModelName.js
    • data type testing are also important
  • association changes
    • requires updating the factory object also
    • requires adding test under __tests__/ModelName.test.js to determine whether the association is included or populated correctly
  • class and instance methods


  • When making a PR make sure it passes all the tests first.
  • Configure the model the be perfectly equal to the database script configuration
    • ie: varchar limits, types, validation etc.

How Does this work

  1. when running jest or npm test
    • the setupTests.js determines whether to create the database or truncate the tables under the database
    • creating the database requires executing the following scripts in sequence
      • master-ddl.sql
      • changeset.sql
      • release-changeset.sql
  2. setupTests.js runs for every test suite or every test file