
A small utility to plumb and unplumb Gulp at will

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plumbGulp from '';



A small utility to plumb and unplumb Gulp at will

Overriding gulp.src

To prevent pipes from breaking on error, you can use gulp plugin gulp-plumber. Now rather than plumbing each and every time you source something with Gulp, you can override the method gulp.src once and for all like the following:

import gulp from 'gulp';

const _gulpsrc = gulp.src;
gulp.src = function() {
  return _gulpsrc.apply(gulp, arguments)
      errorHandler: function(err) {

This works fine, but when testing a gulp plugin, you may want sometimes gulp to be plumbed (for your TDD), and not to be plumbed (to check how your exceptions behave natively throughout your plugin).

plumb-gulp provides a few utility functions to switch back and forth from plumbed pipes to unplumbed pipes.

Simple usage

For a simple use, you can simply call the functions usePlumbedGulpSrc and useOriginalGulpSrc, like so:

import {usePlumbedGulpSrc, useOriginalGulpSrc} from 'plumb-gulp';

usePlumbedGulpSrc(); // gulp.src is now overridden
useOriginalGulpSrc(); // back to native gulp.src

Controlled usage

You may want to run tests where for a few calls, your pipes are plumbed (or not), then reverted back to a default state.

The functions useOriginalGulpSrcOnce, useOriginalGulpSrcTwice, useOriginalGulpSrcMultipleTimes, usePlumbedGulpSrcOnce, usePlumbedGulpSrcTwice and usePlumbedGulpSrcMultipleTimes allow for such cases.

  • useOriginalGulpSrcOnce(): Next time gulp.src is called, it will be the original gulp.src method; Afterwards it will be the plumbed one.
  • useOriginalGulpSrcTwice(): The two next times gulp.src is called, it will be the original gulp.src method; Afterwards it will be the plumbed one.
  • useOriginalGulpSrcMultipleTimes(n): For the n next calls, gulp.src will be the original gulp.src method; Afterwards it will be the plumbed one.
  • usePlumbedGulpSrcOnce(): Next time gulp.src is called, it will be the plumbed gulp.src method; Afterwards it will be the original one.
  • usePlumbedGulpSrcTwice(): The two next times gulp.src is called, it will be the plumbed gulp.src method; Afterwards it will be the original one.
  • usePlumbedGulpSrcMultipleTimes(n): For the n next calls, gulp.src will be the plumbed gulp.src method; Afterwards it will be the original one.


You can access the original gulp.src method or the plumbed one any time by using the getters getOriginalGulpSrc and getPlumbedGulpSrc.


When calling usePlumbedGulpSrc, you may pass an object with the following options:

  • filterout: A function that receives the error to be reported and checks on patterns, returning true if one of the patterns is matched.


plumb-gulp is MIT licensed.

© 2016-2018 Jason Lenoble