
A bot for buying low and selling high

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plunderbot from '';



An bot that finds arbitrage opportunities on OpenSea and plunders them for profit. Uses OpenSea.js


npm install plunderbot


Use plunderbot in your terminal or bash window. Try plunderbot --help for options. You can also run this manually from your project root folder by doing node node_modules/plunderbot/bin/plunder.js --help

Example full command: --wallet_mnemonic "witch collapse practice feed shame open despair creek road again ice least" --wallet_address 0x123abc --eth_budget 0.5 --eth_price_threshold 0.01 --increase_percentage 5 --asset_classes cryptokitties


  • wallet_mnemonic: The mnemonic for the wallet to use. Enter seed phrase words surrounded by quotes Example: $plunderbot -wallet_mnemonic "witch collapse practice feed shame open despair creek road again ice least" ... You can get one of these by creating ethereum accounts with metamask, myethereumwallet, or some other service.
  • wallet_address: The address of the wallet to use.
  • eth_budget: The amount of ETH the wallet is allowed to spend.
  • price_increase_percentage: How much higher to relist the items.
  • asset_classes: Comma-separated list of asset classes (e.g., cryptokitties,mlbcrypto)


plunderbot Usage: plunderbot -wallet_mnemonic [string of words with underscores] -wallet_address [ethereum address] -eth_budget [num] -eth_price_threshold [num] increase_percentage [number 0 - 100] -asset_classes [cryptokitties,axie]


  • Node
  • yargs 12.0.5