CLI to speed-up pending Ethereum transactions that are blocked because of a low gas price.
This tool will help you search your account for blocked transactions and send a new transaction with same nonce but updated fields. If this transaction gets mined it will replace the blocked one, and enable other blocked transactions to get mined too.
Currently it only supports searching the first address of a BIP-32 HD wallet using m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
as derivation path.
- Clone and install package
- Run
npm start
Make sure your account has enough funds to send the plunger transaction!
You can create a .env
file in the root directory to set defaults:
ENABLED_CHAINS="etcMorden, ethRopsten"
MNEMONIC="foo bar baz ..."
Feeling generous?
Tips welcome
ETH: 0x37b89B8eC091Ac3e6e336Ce2d664676D22c910D5
MET: 0x37b89B8eC091Ac3e6e336Ce2d664676D22c910D5