node modules in PLV8. Optimize your Node.js Backend by offloading work directly onto the database (PostgreSQL). Send/receive events between Node and PLV8.
$ npm install --save plv8
Node API
install (module, [cwd])
Install a Node module which can be loaded into the plv8 context by using the require()
uninstall (module)
Remove a previously installed module.
eval (code)
Evaluate a block of Javascript on the fly.
on (event, handler)
Listen for a Postgres NOTIFY event, and invoke the given handler
when the event is emitted.
Postres API
require (module)
Load an installed Node module.
log (level, message)
Send a log message to the Node.js application.
emit (event, payload)
Emit an aribtrary event to the Node.js application via NOTIFY.
// setup plv8 connection
const PLV8 = require('plv8')
const plv8 = new PLV8({
client: 'pg',
connection: {
// knex.js connection object
// setup a log listener
plv8.on('log:error', msg => {
// setup a listener
plv8.on('user:updated', user => {
// do some stuff with the "user" object
// install the lodash module so that it can be loaded (via require()) later
.then(() => {
// eval some code
return plv8.eval(() => {
const _ = require('lodash')
return[ 1, 2, 3 ], e => e + 1)
.then(result => {
// result = [ 2, 3, 4 ]
// send some events to the client
plv8.eval(() => {
const _ = require('lodash')
const veryImportantValue =[ 1, 2, 3 ], e => e + 1)
// maybe I want to send this event to the client, but continue doing more things
plv8.emit('user:updated', {
username: 'tjwebb',
email: ''
try {
return veryImportantValue + 1
catch (e) {
plv8.log('error', e)
return 0
PLV8 Extension
This module requires the plv8 Postgres extension.
$ easy_install pgxnclient
$ pgxnclient install plv8
This is a fork of plv8x that has been streamlined down to the essentials, and extended with additional API features. Important differences:
- 90%+ smaller than plv8x (~20kb vs. 300+ kb)
- Removed node-pg-native
- Removed Livescript / Coffeescript Support
- Removed CLI
- Removed unused/unneeded dependencies
- Transpile modules using babel instead of browserify