
plv8ify uses esbuild to bundle an input typescript file and writes multiple SQL files (one for each exported function in the typescript file) containing Postgres functions using PLV8.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plv8ify from '';




plv8ify uses esbuild to bundle an input typescript file and writes multiple SQL files (one for each exported function in the typescript file) containing Postgres functions using PLV8.


  • Interchange code between API and Database
  • Write code in Typescript and use it in Postgres


  1. npm install -g plv8ify
  2. Sample input.ts
const { point: turfPoint } = require("@turf/helpers");

export function point(lat, long) {
  const pt = turfPoint([lat, long]);
  return pt;
  1. Run plv8ify generate
  2. Step 3 emits SQL file with names like ./plv8-dist/plv8ify_point.plv8.sql (one for each exported function)
  3. Execute the generated ./plv8-dist/plv8ify_point.plv8.sql using a Postgres client
  4. Call the generated function using a Postgres client SELECT plv8ify_point(52.5200,13.4050);
  5. Steps 1-6 converted a Typescript file into a PLV8 executable function

CLI Arguments

Generate Command Flags Type Description Default
--debug Boolean Print additional debug information false
--write-esbuild-output Boolean Write the intermediate bundled Javascript output from ESBuild false
--input-file String Specify an input file path (only Typescript supported at the moment) input.ts
--output-folder String Specify an output folder plv8ify-dist
--scope-prefix String Specify a scope prefix, by default plv8ify adds plv8ify_ as prefix for exported typescript functions plv8ify
--fallback-type String Specify a fallback type when plv8ify fails to map a detected Typescript type to a Postges type JSONB
--mode 'inline' or 'start_proc' Bundle the library inline in each function or bundle the libary to be used with plv8.start_proc inline


  • Custom function name
  • Export multiple functions
  • Input arguments - basic setup
  • Flag to Emit intermediate file
  • Input arguments - support most data types
  • Input file name
  • Output folder name
  • Return type guessing
  • Typescript as input
  • Javascript as input
  • Typescript for plv8ify code
  • For each exported bundle, use tree-shaken bundle, currently, each bundle gets all of the Javascript
  • Test cases


  • Very early, only a small number of types supported
  • Only supports typescript as input at the moment
  • Scaling an application server is easier than scaling a database server, moving the logic in database as postgres functions makes it easier (IMO SQL is declarative, like React for data) to call the code/do some things but you are effectively shifting compute from application server to database server which might be a bad idea in most cases.

Prior Art


If you want to reach out to me, please DM me on or email me at mail at