
Module to auto-rename .env file of process

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pm2EnvModule from '';


PM2 .env module

pm2-env-module aim to ease the configuration of nodejs apps that use the .env files to manage enviroment settings and can't use the pm2 enviroment management.


pm2 install pm2-env-module

To install a specific version use the @<version> suffix

pm2 install pm2-env-module@0.0.1

How it works

After the installation of this module you can control it like a normal pm2 process:

pm2 start pm2-env-module
pm2 stop pm2-env-module
pm2 restart pm2-env-module
pm2 logs pm2-env-module

Every time it is started, the module will read all the process of the pm2 where is installed and, foreach process it will:

  • if a file <process-script-path>/<config.envRelativePath>/<config.envFilename>.<enviroment-of-process[envVariableName]> exist
  • copy the previous file to <process-script-path>/<config.envRelativePath>/<config.envFilename> overriding if exist

If some error occurs, it will be logged.

NB: the command pm2 start|stop|restart all DOES NOT EFFECT the modules, so keep in mind that you must call pm2 restart pm2-env-module before restarting your process to change the env files.


Configuration Default Description
envFilename .env The file name of the env file
envRelativePath `` An optional path to add to the script root path
envVariableName NODE_ENV The env variable that contains the name of the enviroment execution
buildEnvFile false Generate an env file with the data set on the ecosystem's pm2 file. It will ignore other .env* files
logLevel info Set the log level. Values are: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace

Change values

After having installed the module you have to type: pm2 set pm2-env-module:<param> <value>

pm2 set pm2-env-module:envFilename configFile
pm2 set pm2-env-module:envRelativePath /config
pm2 set pm2-env-module:envVariableName ENVIROMENT
pm2 set pm2-env-module:buildEnvFile true
pm2 set pm2-env-module:logLevel trace


  • Test
  • JSDocs
  • Configuration add-on:
    • custom settings per process


Copyright Manuel Spigolon, Licensed under MIT.