PM2 Watcher
The application watches PM2 Processes; if a process stops, errored, fails, or none thing starts, it will send out an email notification. Once an offline process comes back online, the application will send out a follow-up email notification.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
Install the app from NPM:
npm install pm2-watcher --save
To start the app's provided settings management please use the following code.
const pm2Watcher = require('pm2-watcher');
pm2Watcher.startServer(port); // optional port, app will start
// on port you provide it or will
// default to 4000
To start the app without using the provided settings management use the following.
const pm2Watcher = require('pm2-watcher');
const mailSettings = {
hostName : "string", // ""
port : "number", // port number
secure : "boolean", // true or false
user : "string", // "username for email address access"
password : "string", // "password or token for access to Email"
from : "string", // "displayed in the email's from field"
sender : "string" // "To" field in email (",")
const appSettings = {
debugging : "boolean", // true or false (default false)
failedDelays : "number", // delay(secs) between email notify for failed process (default 300)
passedDelays : "number", // delay(secs) between email notify of online process that failed (default 300)
allowLogs : "boolean" // true or false (default true)
pm2Watcher.setMail(mailSettings) // Enters in mail settings for app to use
pm2Watcher.setApp(appSettings) // Enters in app settings
pm2Watcher.startApp() // Start the app using the provided settings
- John Spriggs - Initial work - spriggs81
- Spenser