pmdclock, a simple CLI pomodoro clock
Clock for pomodore control based on an agent
- 100% CLI
- Configurable times
- Continuous mode
- Persist taks history on disk
- Notification by libnotify (Desktop integrated)
- Execute custom command when finish time
- Auto large rests after x completed tasks
You need node.js (~7.4.0 recommended) and npm installed.
$ sudo npm install -g pmdclock
Start the agent:
$ pmdclock agent
Starting agent
Start new task
$ pmdclock start -n "Cooking potatoes"
Task started!
Let's work...
Get information
$ pmdclock info
Cooking potatoes finish in 17 minutes
Finish the task
$ pmdclock finish
Task finished! in 8 minutes
Take a rest
$ pmdclock rest
Rest started!
Or, a large rest:
$ pmdclock rest --large
Large rest started!, be happy
$ pmdclock finish
Rest finished at 1 minutes
Check the history:
$ pmdclock list
│ │ Name │ Started │ Finished │ On time │
│ * │ Cooking potatoes │ Today at 5:05 PM │ Today at 5:13 PM │ -25 mins │
│ - │ Rest │ Today at 5:14 PM │ Today at 5:15 PM │ -5 mins │
Clear history:
$ pmdclock clear
History clear, 2 tasks deleted.
$ pmdclock list
Not tasks finished
Continuous mode
Continuous mode allows to finish tasks starting rest and vice versa:
$ pmdclock start -n "Cooking potatoes"
Task started!
$ pmdclock rest
Task finished!
Rest started!
$ pmdclock start -n "Prepare dishes"
Rest finished!
Task started!
$ pmdclock finish
Task finished! in 0 minutes
$ pmdclock list
│ │ Name │ Started │ Finished │ On time │
│ * │ Cooking potatoes │ Today at 5:19 PM │ Today at 5:19 PM │ -25 mins │
│ - │ Rest │ Today at 5:19 PM │ Today at 5:19 PM │ -5 mins │
│ * │ Prepare dishes │ Today at 5:19 PM │ Today at 5:20 PM │ -25 mins │
The default configuration uses times by: 25 minutes task, 5 minutes rest and 20 minutes for large rests, but it's configurable via a json file located in $HOME/.pmdclock/config.yml:
For example:
taskTime: 40
restTime: 10
largeRestTime: 30
The complete params are:
Param | Type | Description | Default value |
socket | String | Path of the socket file for agent | /run/user/{UUID}/pmdclock.socket` |
db | String | Path of the db file | $HOME/.pmdclock/db.dat |
daemon | Boolean | Run agent as daemon | true |
taskTime | Number | Task time in minutes | 25 |
restTime | Number | Rest time in minutes | 5 |
largeRestTime | Number | Large rest time in minutes | 20 |
autoLargeRest | Boolean/Number | Auto set the next rest as large after x complete tasks, if false don't auto-set | 4 |
showNotifications | Boolean | Show notifications via libnotify | true |
runCmd | String | Command to run when time is over | null |
autoStopCmd | String/Boolean | Stop command on finish task, if is false don't kill the child, if is true, kill with SIGTERM, if is string, use it as signal, enable signals: SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIGKILL, SIGTERM, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2, SIGCHLD, SIGSTOP, SIGTSTP | false |
notifyEach | Number | Notify each x time, in secods | 30 |
infoFormat | String | Output format of comand info[0] | "%n finish in %R" |
continueMode | Boolean | If start a rest when a task is running, close the task and vise versa | true |
taskIcon | String | Task icon on list[1] | [x] |
taskRunningIcon | String | Icon for running task[1] | [>] |
restIcon | String | Rest icon in list[1] | o/ |
largeRestIcon | String | Large rest icon[1] | ... |
largeRestRunningIcon | String | Icon for running large rest[1] | :D |
reverseSort | Boolean | List in reverse by default | false |
defaultListHead | Number | List appling --head parman by default, see pmdclock list --help |
0 |
defaultListTail | Number | List appling --tail parman by default, see pmdclock list --help |
0 |
0: Info variables
The variables start with % and there are:
- n: Name of task
- i: Icon
- r: Time left on mm:ss
- R: Time left on human readable format, ej: 13 minutes
- e: Time elapsed on mm:ss
- E: Time elapsed on human readable format
- t: Number of tomatoes recolected
- T: Repeat the taskIcon the total tomatoes recolected times
1: Tasks icons
If you use fonts patches with Pomicons you can use it for stylish output of list command.
For use it, define icons as \uE001
and \uE005
taskIcon: "\uE001"
taskRunningIcon: "\uE004"
restIcon: "\uE005"
restRunningIcon: "\uE005"
largeRestIcon: "\uE006"
largeRestRunningIcon: "\uE006"
Usage with i3wm + i3blocks
The reasons why I developed this software, apart from not finding anything similar that I like, it was to implement it on my desktop with i3 + i3blocks, so I leave the configuration in case someone else serves:
command=pmdclock info --format "%T%i %r" | sed "s/^Not tasks.*$//g"