
A push-me-pull-ya client for consule + vault

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pmpy from '';


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PMPY: A push-me-pull-ya client for consul + (WIP) vault

PMPY makes it easier to manage key-value data in consul. Currently get/set operations do not consider cas/ModifyIndex, etc. It simply sets or retrieves values from Consul. Both JSON and env formats for input and output.

Pushing data into Consul is as simple as:

$ pmpy consul push --path myapp --value='{"key1": "value1"}'

Pulling it back out again is just as easy:

$ pmpy consul pull --path myapp 
  "key1": "value1"

When pulling data out of Consul, PMPY allows you to specify multiple paths. The resulting document is a merged document with values specified later overriding previous values. This allows you to easily setup more complex documents to support multiple environments/applications.

For example, given these three paths:

$ pmpy consul push --path myapp/defaults --value='{"host": ""}'
$ pmpy consul push --path myapp/prod --value='{"database": "prod_db"}'
$ pmpy consul push --path myapp/dev --value='{"database": "dev_db"}'

You can retrieve data for a specific environment by specifying mutiple paths:

$ pmpy consul pull --path myapp/defaults --path myapp/prod
  "host": "",
  "database": "prod_db"
$ pmpy consul pull --path myapp/defaults --path myapp/prod
  "host": "",
  "database": "dev_db"


$ npm install --save pmpy



var consul = require('pmpy').consul;

// prefix is options - defaults to 'pmpy'
consul({ prefix: 'myorg' })
    (conf) => console.log(JSON.stringify(conf),
    (err)  => console.log(err.stack)


$ npm install -g pmpy
$ pmpy --help


PMPY comes with a docker based playground for Consul and Vault. You will need to install the Docker tools - including compose to use it. Once you have, the playground can be managed from the cli.

pmpy playground --help
playground <action>

  start    Start playground services
  stop     Stop playground services
  restart  Restart playground services
  reset    Resets consul & vault without a full restart
  env      Display vault keys


MIT © David J. Clarke