
Programmable Multiplexer: easily start tmux sessions with simple descriptions

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pmux from '';



pmux is a programmable multiplexer that takes either a JSON file or a node.js script that describes a series of commands to be executed in windows in a tmux session.

Getting Started

Install pmux with:

npm install -g pmux

Execute pmux with:

pmux <path-to-configuration-file>



  "name": "simple_example",
  "pre_commands": ["ls"],
  "windows": {
    "pwd": {
      "commands": ["pwd"],
      "dir" : "."

Calling pmux examples/basic_pmux_configuration.json will:

  1. executes the pre_commands synchronously, so call ls to list the current directories content
  2. creates a tmux session called simple_example, destroying any other session with that name
  3. creates a window in the simple_example session called "pwd", starting in the directory . and then executing the commands in the commands array.

The node.js script version of this file basic_pmux_configuration.js is:

module.exports = {
  "name": "simple_example",
  "pre_commands": ["ls"],
  "windows": {
    "pwd": {
      "commands": ["pwd"],
      "dir" : "."