
Module to define components through a data-* API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pmxDataapi from '';



Build Status


Basic module to declaratively define components using a data-* API.

Getting Started

Defining a component:


<div data-api-component=”Example”></div>


import dataapi from 'pmx-dataapi';

const factories = new Map([['Example', Example]]);
const d = dataapi({
const comps = d.start() // comps will refer to a Map with all the initialized components

How to use

JS Setup

The module can be used with CommonJS and ES2015 modules.

  • Install the dependency Using Yarn
yarn add pmx-dataapi

or using NPM

npm install pmx-dataapi --save
  • Include the module


const dataapi = require('pmx-dataapi').default;

ES2015 modules

import dataapi from 'pmx-dataapi';
  • Create a Map of factories The map should be created like:
const factories = new Map([['Example', Example]]);

Where the value Example represents a Factory function, and the Key is a string that is gonna be used to create the relationship between our DOM element and the Factory. You could define as many as you want.

  • Call the dataapi factory method using the Map of factories
const d = dataapi({

In this step if you want to customize the namespace used to define your components, you could include the namespaces property, like so:

const d = dataapi({
  namespaces: ['custom']

By doing this, you could then define your components like this in your HTML:

<div data-custom-component=”Example”></div>
  • Call the start() method to boostrap your application

Since all the API method return a Promise, you could do the following:

d.then(function (cmp) {
  console.log('initialized Components', cmp);
}).catch(function(e) {
  console.log('Something went wrong :(', e)



returns: Promise that is gonna resolve to a Map containing all the initialized components


returns: Promise that is gonna resolve to a boolean indicating if the process of stoping all the components was successful


returns: Promise that is gonna resolve to a Map containing all the initialized components


returns: Promise that is gonna resolve to a Map containing all the components that were skipped during the initialization process. This could happens when a component was defined in the HTML using a Factory that hasn't been passed to the dataapi factory.

Browser Support

  • IE 10+
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari

This library has been written with some ES2015 features that need to be polyfilled:

  • Map
  • Set
  • Promise
  • Object.assign
  • Array.from