
A PNG decoder that supports palette manipulation.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pngJsPalettized from '';



This is a modified version of png.js that is intended to be used for palette swapping within the browser.

NOTE: Only supports indexed PNGs for obvious reasons. All others will cause IndexedPNG to throw during construction.


The following shows the process of loading a PNG file and rendering it to a canvas with its palette data reversed.

import { IndexedPNG }   from '@kettek/png-js/src'
import { readFile   }   from 'fs'

readFile("my_png.png", (err, data) => {
    if (err) throw err
    // Create an IndexedPNG object from our data.
    let png = new IndexedPNG(data)
    // Preemptively decode PNG data (optional).
    // Convert our PNG data into an ImageData, usable by a Canvas. Passed options provide a reversed palette and a clipping.
      palette: png.decodePalette().reverse(),
      clip: {
        x: 16,
        y: 16,
        w: 32,
        h: 32
    .then(imageData => {
      // This presumes at least one canvas element exists on the page.
      .putImageData(imageData, 0, 0)
    .catch(err => {
        throw err



IndexedPNG(Buffer) : processes PNG data but does not decode it.

async decodePixels() : Decodes the PNG pixel data and returns it.

decodePalette() : Decodes the PNG palette and returns it as a Palette.

async decode() : Decodes the palette and the pixel data of the PNG data passed into the constructor. Calls decodePixels() and decodePalette().

ImageData async toImageData(ImageDataOptions) : Returns ImageData. Calls toPNGData(options).

PNGData async toPNGData(ImageDataOptions) : Returns PNGData. Calls decode() automatically if PNG has not been decoded.


Object containing options to apply during toImageData().

Property Type Description
palette Palette Palette data to use for decoding.
clip Clip Clipping options to use for decoding.


A Buffer or Array containing the palette RGBA palette data.

let palette = [
    255, 0  ,  0  , 255, // Index 0
    0  , 255,  0  , 255, // Index 1
    0  , 0  ,  255, 255, // Index 2


Options to clip pixel data.

Property Type Defaults Description
x Number 0 Starting X coordinate.
y Number 0 Starting Y coordinate.
w Number width - x Width of clip.
h Number height - y Height of clip.
let clip = {
    x: 16,
    y: 16,
    w: 32,
    h: 32,


Object containing the pixel data and row width.

Property Type
pixels Uint8ClampedArray
width Number