Repairing iPhone fried PNGs using Node.js.
This is a Node.js wrapper for pngdefry command line tool (created by Jongware) that reverses CgBI optimization on png images included into iPA files to make the images readable by the browser.
Why you may need it ?
If you want for any reason to extract App Icons (PNG images) out of iPA files (iOS Apps) you will need this ; becuase you gonna find that those extracted PNG images are not readable by the browser .
Apple uses PNGCursh open source library to crush png images inside iPA files, to revese this provess back you need to do it throw pngdefy lib.
Command line
$ npm install -g pngdefry
then run:
$ pngdefry -i icon.png -o
In Node project
$ npm install pngdefry --save-dev
var pngdefry = require('pngdefry');
var path = require('path');
var input = path.join(__dirname, 'icon.png');
var output = path.join(__dirname, '');
pngdefry(input, output, function(err) {
if (err) {
$ npm test