
po | short commands for polymer-cli

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import poCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/po-cli';


PO - short commands for Polymer

This module is a short command wrapper for the main polymer-cli commands.

It allows to use short notation like po b - polymer build, po doc - polymer analyze > analysis.json etc.


npm install po-cli

The short utility po will be available after installation of package.
You can type commands like this: po doc - generate documentation, po l - start linter, po s -o -p 8080 - execute polymer serve -o -p 8080 etc.


doc  - polymer analyze > analysis.json  
s    - polymer serve  
b    - polymer build  
in   - polymer init  
inst - polymer install  
t    - polymer test  
l    - polymer lint  

