
A simple package containing jokes, and others kiddings...

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import poKes from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/po-kes';


A simple package containing jokes, and others kiddings...

🤡 / Pokes Origin.

The name Pokes arose from the junction of the names Polar + Jokes, thus was created "Pokes".

🔎 - How to use:

To return a random joke, follow this exemple:

const Pokes = require("po-kes")  // - Setting "po-kes".
let joke = Piadas.Joke("pt")  // - Return a random Joke in Portuguese, default language is "pt (Português-Brasil)".
console.log(joke)  // - [Logged]: "Você conhece a piada do pônei? Pô nei eu..."

Currently this package has the languages: portuguese and english. (in use: "pt" to portuguese, or "en" to english)