POC of Guild Mortgage's React UI Component library:
Folder Structure
- RootDir:
- src (folder that contains human readable es6 components; this is where styleguidist reads from in order to serve the docs to the browser)
- lib (folder which does not exist by default; but is transpiled into cross-browser readable code via babel. This folder contains the last version of the library)
- webpack.config.js contains webpack config settings
- .babelrc contains babel presets
- .npmignore contains files and folders which will not be packaged up. This should be everything except the lib folder, package.json, package-lock.json, and
To edit existing components:
- In src/
/index.js edit the component directly - Edit the docs for your component to adjust for this change in src/
/ .md - If you need to install a library install it at the root level to the poc-guild-ui rootDir
To create a new component:
- In src/component create a folder with that component name in PascalCase (for instance, BasicCard)
- In src/component/
create an index.js file which will host the component, a .md file which will host the example code for the styleist docs - If you need to install a library install it at the root level to the poc-guild-ui rootDir
- In src/components/index.js import your component and export it.
To create a new package version:
- After editing an existing component or creating a new component, run
js npm run transpile
- mv lib/ lib-
/ (this is so we can test specific versions). For instance: mv lib/ lib-v0.0.7 - After testing and documenting the component, push it to gitlab
- Increase the version number in package.json.
- For official & stable releases: update the version number + 1.0.0
- For unstable & unofficial releases: update the version number + 0.0.1
- NPM publish