
Voice recognition in the browser with pocketsphinx

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pocketsphinxWeb from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pocketsphinx-web';



Pocketsphinx-Web is a an opinionated high-level wrapper for the PocketSphinx.js speech recognizer. It provides a convenient, promise-based API for loading pocketsphinx in a web-worker.


NPM users can install using:

npm install pocketsphinx-web

Alternatively, you can use a script tag to load pocketsphinx. The api will be available under the objectwindow.Sphinx.


Pocketsphinx-Web is built using Gulp. If you have npm installed, you can build the project by calling

npm install && gulp 


Web-workers can't be run directly from the filesystem, so to run the examples you will need to create a webserver. You can start one using gulp example-server, then load the example at localhost:9000.


I am not an expert on speech recognition, nor on pocketsphinx. If you have speech recognition related questions, you are likely to find better answers from one of these sites: