This library was generated with tsdx.
❗⚠️❗ Warning:
You need to use react@17.0.1
npm i pod-space-folder --save
import ClasorEditor from "pod-clasor-editor";
const App = () => {
const handleError = (error: Error) => {
const handleClose = () => {
console.log("close the editor after save");
useEffect(() => {
return () => {};
}, []);
return (
frontServer={""} \\ Clasor frontEnd server to load last version of clasor editor
backServer={""} \\ Clasor Backend Server
handleError={handleError} \\ Function to handle requests errors such as 401
handleClose={handleClose} \\ Function to handle close state after saving document
repoId={2} \\ repository id
docId={1} \\ document id
versionId={1} \\ version id
token={"8d8ec83878064079bb6c48753f03dc1f"} \\ valid token that work with clasor editor
autoSave={true} \\ if true editor will save content each 120000 seconds (2 minutes)