Podravkaio - JavaScript client for podravkaio No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.2.0
- Package version: 0.2.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install podravkaio --save
Local development
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing
into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
Finally, switch to the directory you want to use your podravkaio from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
You should now be able to require('podravkaio')
in javascript files from the directory you ran the last
command above from.
git then install it via:
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file, that's to say your javascript file where you actually
use this library):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Webpack Configuration
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var Podravkaio = require('podravkaio');
var defaultClient = Podravkaio.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth
var oauth = defaultClient.authentications['oauth'];
oauth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
var api = new Podravkaio.ArticleApi()
var opts = {
'acceptLanguage': "acceptLanguage_example", // {String} Locale code
'articleCreate': new Podravkaio.ArticleCreate() // {ArticleCreate} The new Article resource
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.createArticle(opts, callback);
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
Podravkaio.ArticleApi | createArticle | POST /articles | Creates a Article resource. |
Podravkaio.ArticleApi | deleteArticle | DELETE /articles/{id} | Removes the Article resource. |
Podravkaio.ArticleApi | getArticle | GET /articles/{id} | Retrieves a Article resource. |
Podravkaio.ArticleApi | getArticleList | GET /articles | Retrieves the collection of Article resources. |
Podravkaio.ArticleApi | getArticleListMetrics | GET /articles/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of Article collection. |
Podravkaio.ArticleApi | getArticleMetrics | GET /articles/{id}/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of Article resource. |
Podravkaio.ArticleApi | getArticleState | GET /articles/{id}/state | Retrieves a Article resource. |
Podravkaio.ArticleApi | setArticleState | PUT /articles/{id}/state/{state} | Replaces the Article resource. |
Podravkaio.ArticleApi | updateArticle | PUT /articles/{id} | Replaces the Article resource. |
Podravkaio.AttributeDefinitionApi | createAttributeDefinition | POST /attributes/{entity} | Creates a AttributeDefinition resource. |
Podravkaio.AttributeDefinitionApi | deleteAttributeDefinition | DELETE /attributes/{entity}/{id} | Removes the AttributeDefinition resource. |
Podravkaio.AttributeDefinitionApi | getAttributeDefinition | GET /attributes/{entity}/{id} | Retrieves a AttributeDefinition resource. |
Podravkaio.AttributeDefinitionApi | getAttributeDefinitionList | GET /attributes/{entity} | Retrieves the collection of AttributeDefinition resources. |
Podravkaio.BrandApi | createBrand | POST /brands | Creates a Brand resource. |
Podravkaio.BrandApi | deleteBrand | DELETE /brands/{id} | Removes the Brand resource. |
Podravkaio.BrandApi | getBrand | GET /brands/{id} | Retrieves a Brand resource. |
Podravkaio.BrandApi | getBrandList | GET /brands | Retrieves the collection of Brand resources. |
Podravkaio.BrandApi | getBrandListMetrics | GET /brands/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of Brand collection. |
Podravkaio.BrandApi | getBrandMetrics | GET /brands/{id}/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of Brand resource. |
Podravkaio.BrandApi | getBrandState | GET /brands/{id}/state | Retrieves a Brand resource. |
Podravkaio.BrandApi | setBrandState | PUT /brands/{id}/state/{state} | Replaces the Brand resource. |
Podravkaio.BrandApi | updateBrand | PUT /brands/{id} | Replaces the Brand resource. |
Podravkaio.FileApi | createFile | POST /files | Creates a File resource. |
Podravkaio.FileApi | deleteFile | DELETE /files/{id} | Removes the File resource. |
Podravkaio.FileApi | getFile | GET /files/{id} | Retrieves a File resource. |
Podravkaio.FileApi | getFileList | GET /files | Retrieves the collection of File resources. |
Podravkaio.FileApi | getFileListMetrics | GET /files/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of File collection. |
Podravkaio.FileApi | getFileMetrics | GET /files/{id}/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of File resource. |
Podravkaio.FileApi | getFileState | GET /files/{id}/state | Retrieves a File resource. |
Podravkaio.FileApi | setFileState | PUT /files/{id}/state/{state} | Replaces the File resource. |
Podravkaio.FileApi | updateFile | PUT /files/{id} | Replaces the File resource. |
Podravkaio.ImageApi | createImage | POST /images | Creates a Image resource. |
Podravkaio.ImageApi | deleteImage | DELETE /images/{id} | Removes the Image resource. |
Podravkaio.ImageApi | getImage | GET /images/{id} | Retrieves a Image resource. |
Podravkaio.ImageApi | getImageList | GET /images | Retrieves the collection of Image resources. |
Podravkaio.ImageApi | getImageListMetrics | GET /images/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of Image collection. |
Podravkaio.ImageApi | getImageMetrics | GET /images/{id}/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of Image resource. |
Podravkaio.ImageApi | getImageState | GET /images/{id}/state | Retrieves a Image resource. |
Podravkaio.ImageApi | setImageState | PUT /images/{id}/state/{state} | Replaces the Image resource. |
Podravkaio.ImageApi | updateImage | PUT /images/{id} | Replaces the Image resource. |
Podravkaio.IngredientApi | createIngredient | POST /ingredients | Creates a Ingredient resource. |
Podravkaio.IngredientApi | deleteIngredient | DELETE /ingredients/{id} | Removes the Ingredient resource. |
Podravkaio.IngredientApi | getIngredient | GET /ingredients/{id} | Retrieves a Ingredient resource. |
Podravkaio.IngredientApi | getIngredientList | GET /ingredients | Retrieves the collection of Ingredient resources. |
Podravkaio.IngredientApi | getIngredientListMetrics | GET /ingredients/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of Ingredient collection. |
Podravkaio.IngredientApi | getIngredientMetrics | GET /ingredients/{id}/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of Ingredient resource. |
Podravkaio.IngredientApi | getIngredientState | GET /ingredients/{id}/state | Retrieves a Ingredient resource. |
Podravkaio.IngredientApi | setIngredientState | PUT /ingredients/{id}/state/{state} | Replaces the Ingredient resource. |
Podravkaio.IngredientApi | updateIngredient | PUT /ingredients/{id} | Replaces the Ingredient resource. |
Podravkaio.ProductApi | createProduct | POST /products | Creates a Product resource. |
Podravkaio.ProductApi | deleteProduct | DELETE /products/{id} | Removes the Product resource. |
Podravkaio.ProductApi | getProduct | GET /products/{id} | Retrieves a Product resource. |
Podravkaio.ProductApi | getProductList | GET /products | Retrieves the collection of Product resources. |
Podravkaio.ProductApi | getProductListMetrics | GET /products/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of Product collection. |
Podravkaio.ProductApi | getProductMetrics | GET /products/{id}/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of Product resource. |
Podravkaio.ProductApi | getProductState | GET /products/{id}/state | Retrieves a Product resource. |
Podravkaio.ProductApi | setProductState | PUT /products/{id}/state/{state} | Replaces the Product resource. |
Podravkaio.ProductApi | updateProduct | PUT /products/{id} | Replaces the Product resource. |
Podravkaio.RecipeApi | createRecipe | POST /recipes | Creates a Recipe resource. |
Podravkaio.RecipeApi | deleteRecipe | DELETE /recipes/{id} | Removes the Recipe resource. |
Podravkaio.RecipeApi | getRecipe | GET /recipes/{id} | Retrieves a Recipe resource. |
Podravkaio.RecipeApi | getRecipeList | GET /recipes | Retrieves the collection of Recipe resources. |
Podravkaio.RecipeApi | getRecipeListMetrics | GET /recipes/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of Recipe collection. |
Podravkaio.RecipeApi | getRecipeMetrics | GET /recipes/{id}/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of Recipe resource. |
Podravkaio.RecipeApi | getRecipeState | GET /recipes/{id}/state | Retrieves a Recipe resource. |
Podravkaio.RecipeApi | setRecipeState | PUT /recipes/{id}/state/{state} | Replaces the Recipe resource. |
Podravkaio.RecipeApi | updateRecipe | PUT /recipes/{id} | Replaces the Recipe resource. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | createContentTaxon | POST /{entity}/{id}/taxons/{bag} | Creates a ContentTaxon resource. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | createTaxon | POST /taxons/{taxonomy} | Creates a Taxon resource. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | createTaxonBag | POST /taxons-bags | Creates a TaxonBag resource. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | createTaxonomy | POST /taxonomies | Creates a Taxonomy resource. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | deleteContentTaxon | DELETE /{entity}/{id}/taxons/{bag}/{id} | Removes the ContentTaxon resource. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | deleteTaxon | DELETE /taxons/{taxonomy}/{id} | Removes the Taxon resource. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | deleteTaxonBag | DELETE /taxons-bags/{id} | Removes the TaxonBag resource. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | deleteTaxonomy | DELETE /taxonomies/{id} | Removes the Taxonomy resource. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | getContentTaxon | GET /{entity}/{id}/taxons/{bag}/{id} | Retrieves a ContentTaxon resource. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | getContentTaxonList | GET /{entity}/{id}/taxons/{bag} | Retrieves the collection of ContentTaxon resources. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | getTaxon | GET /taxons/{taxonomy}/{id} | Retrieves a Taxon resource. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | getTaxonBag | GET /taxons-bags/{id} | Retrieves a TaxonBag resource. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | getTaxonBagList | GET /taxons-bags | Retrieves the collection of TaxonBag resources. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | getTaxonList | GET /taxons/{taxonomy} | Retrieves the collection of Taxon resources. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | getTaxonomy | GET /taxonomies/{id} | Retrieves a Taxonomy resource. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | getTaxonomyList | GET /taxonomies | Retrieves the collection of Taxonomy resources. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | updateTaxon | PUT /taxons/{taxonomy}/{id} | Replaces the Taxon resource. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | updateTaxonBag | PUT /taxons-bags/{id} | Replaces the TaxonBag resource. |
Podravkaio.TaxonomyApi | updateTaxonomy | PUT /taxonomies/{id} | Replaces the Taxonomy resource. |
Podravkaio.UserApi | deleteUserGroupItem | DELETE /usergroups/{id} | Removes the UserGroup resource. |
Podravkaio.UserApi | getUser | GET /users/{id} | Retrieves a User resource. |
Podravkaio.UserApi | getUserCollection | GET /users | Retrieves the collection of User resources. |
Podravkaio.UserApi | getUserGroupCollection | GET /usergroups | Retrieves the collection of UserGroup resources. |
Podravkaio.UserApi | getUserGroupItem | GET /usergroups/{id} | Retrieves a UserGroup resource. |
Podravkaio.UserApi | getUserListMetrics | GET /users/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of User collection. |
Podravkaio.UserApi | getUserMetrics | GET /users/{id}/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of User resource. |
Podravkaio.UserApi | membersAddUserGroupItem | PUT /usergroups/{id}/members/{userId} | Replaces the UserGroup resource. |
Podravkaio.UserApi | membersRemoveUserGroupItem | DELETE /usergroups/{id}/members/{userId} | Removes the UserGroup resource. |
Podravkaio.UserApi | postUserGroupCollection | POST /usergroups | Creates a UserGroup resource. |
Podravkaio.UserApi | putUser | PUT /users/{id} | Replaces the User resource. |
Podravkaio.UserApi | putUserGroupItem | PUT /usergroups/{id} | Replaces the UserGroup resource. |
Podravkaio.VideoApi | createVideo | POST /videos | Creates a Video resource. |
Podravkaio.VideoApi | deleteVideo | DELETE /videos/{id} | Removes the Video resource. |
Podravkaio.VideoApi | getVideo | GET /videos/{id} | Retrieves a Video resource. |
Podravkaio.VideoApi | getVideoList | GET /videos | Retrieves the collection of Video resources. |
Podravkaio.VideoApi | getVideoListMetrics | GET /videos/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of Video collection. |
Podravkaio.VideoApi | getVideoMetrics | GET /videos/{id}/metrics | Retrieves the metrics of Video resource. |
Podravkaio.VideoApi | getVideoState | GET /videos/{id}/state | Retrieves a Video resource. |
Podravkaio.VideoApi | setVideoState | PUT /videos/{id}/state/{state} | Replaces the Video resource. |
Podravkaio.VideoApi | updateVideo | PUT /videos/{id} | Replaces the Video resource. |
Documentation for Models
- Podravkaio.ArticleCreate
- Podravkaio.ArticleList
- Podravkaio.ArticleOriginCreate
- Podravkaio.ArticleRead
- Podravkaio.ArticleState
- Podravkaio.ArticleUpdate
- Podravkaio.AttributeDefinitionCreate
- Podravkaio.AttributeDefinitionList
- Podravkaio.AttributeDefinitionRead
- Podravkaio.BrandCreate
- Podravkaio.BrandList
- Podravkaio.BrandRead
- Podravkaio.BrandState
- Podravkaio.BrandUpdate
- Podravkaio.ContentTaxonCreate
- Podravkaio.ContentTaxonList
- Podravkaio.ContentTaxonRead
- Podravkaio.FileCreate
- Podravkaio.FileCreateRead
- Podravkaio.FileList
- Podravkaio.FileOriginCreate
- Podravkaio.FileRead
- Podravkaio.FileState
- Podravkaio.FileUpdate
- Podravkaio.FileUpdateRead
- Podravkaio.ImageCreate
- Podravkaio.ImageCreateRead
- Podravkaio.ImageEmbed
- Podravkaio.ImageInstanceEmbed
- Podravkaio.ImageList
- Podravkaio.ImageOriginCreate
- Podravkaio.ImageRead
- Podravkaio.ImageState
- Podravkaio.ImageUpdate
- Podravkaio.ImageUpdateRead
- Podravkaio.ImageVariationEmbed
- Podravkaio.ImageVariationUrlVarsEmbed
- Podravkaio.IngredientCreate
- Podravkaio.IngredientList
- Podravkaio.IngredientOriginCreate
- Podravkaio.IngredientRead
- Podravkaio.IngredientState
- Podravkaio.IngredientUpdate
- Podravkaio.Metrics
- Podravkaio.MetricsCreate
- Podravkaio.NutritionDeclarationCreate
- Podravkaio.NutritionDeclarationEmbed
- Podravkaio.NutritionDeclarationEmbedBase
- Podravkaio.NutritionDeclarationEmbedNutrients
- Podravkaio.ProductCreate
- Podravkaio.ProductList
- Podravkaio.ProductOriginCreate
- Podravkaio.ProductRead
- Podravkaio.ProductState
- Podravkaio.ProductUpdate
- Podravkaio.RecipeCreate
- Podravkaio.RecipeIngredientCreate
- Podravkaio.RecipeIngredientEmbed
- Podravkaio.RecipeList
- Podravkaio.RecipeOriginCreate
- Podravkaio.RecipePreparationStepCreate
- Podravkaio.RecipePreparationStepEmbed
- Podravkaio.RecipeRead
- Podravkaio.RecipeState
- Podravkaio.RecipeUpdate
- Podravkaio.TaxonBagCreate
- Podravkaio.TaxonBagList
- Podravkaio.TaxonBagRead
- Podravkaio.TaxonBagUpdate
- Podravkaio.TaxonCreate
- Podravkaio.TaxonList
- Podravkaio.TaxonRead
- Podravkaio.TaxonUpdate
- Podravkaio.TaxonomyCreate
- Podravkaio.TaxonomyList
- Podravkaio.TaxonomyRead
- Podravkaio.TaxonomyUpdate
- Podravkaio.User
- Podravkaio.UserEmbed
- Podravkaio.UserGroup
- Podravkaio.UserGroupCreate
- Podravkaio.UserGroupList
- Podravkaio.UserGroupRead
- Podravkaio.UserGroupUpdate
- Podravkaio.UserList
- Podravkaio.UserRead
- Podravkaio.UserUpdate
- Podravkaio.VideoCreate
- Podravkaio.VideoCreateRead
- Podravkaio.VideoEmbed
- Podravkaio.VideoList
- Podravkaio.VideoOriginCreate
- Podravkaio.VideoRead
- Podravkaio.VideoState
- Podravkaio.VideoUpdate
- Podravkaio.VideoUpdateRead
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: accessCode
- Authorization URL: oauth/v2/auth
- Scopes:
- read: read
- read+write: read+write