
Add audio prepends to podcast files on-the-fly.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import podroller from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/podroller';


________        _________               ____________
___  __ \______ ______  /______________ ___  /___  /_____ ________
__  /_/ /_  __ \_  __  / __  ___/_  __ \__  / __  / _  _ \__  ___/
_  ____/ / /_/ // /_/ /  _  /    / /_/ /_  /  _  /  /  __/_  /
/_/      \____/ \__,_/   /_/     \____/ /_/   /_/   \___/ /_/


Podroller delivers prerolled audio files without caching the concatenated files on disk.

It can also inject a session UUID to make 206 Partial Content requests easier to de-duplicate.


Podroller currently expects to get transcoded preroll and doesn't have any sense of impression tracking. At SCPR, this preroll is delivered by Adhost.

  • node & NPM
  • grunt


To run podroller on your machine, run grunt to compile coffee script to javascript (to incorporate any changes) and then run: NODE_ENV="development" node app.js

^ This will look for a config script development.json in the config directory. If that does not exist then create one like this:

    "debug": true,
    "redirect_url": "",
    "audio_dir": "./audio",
    "port": 3000,
    "prefixes": {
      "/podcasts": {
        "preroll_key": "podcast"
      "/audio": {
        "preroll_key": "podcast"

Make sure there is an audio directory in the root dir of this project, stick an mp3 file in it (test.mp3) and once the server is running, you can access the file from: http://localhost:3000/audio/podcasts/test.mp3


Podroller is used by Southern California Public Radio. Development was started in 2012 by Eric Richardson.