✨ Features
- Upload pre-translated file(s) to POEditor
- Download translated files(s) to local directory
📦 Install
If you haven't installed Node.js, please install it first, here.
$ npm install poeditor -g
🔨 Configuration
Create a poeditor-config.json in the root directory, and config information as follows:
"apiToken": "", // POEditor api token
"projectId": 0, // project id
"fileType": "", // fileType to upload or download, supports files format (po, pot, mo, xls, csv, resw, resx, android_strings, apple_strings, xliff, properties, key_value_json, json, xmb, xtb)
"targetDir": "" // directory where translated files live
🤜🏼 Usage
Pull all translated files from upstream of POEditor.
$ poeditor pull
Push all pre-translated files from downloadstream of targetDir in poeditor-config.json.
$ poeditor push