Build a hamburger sidebar menu out of a poem-manifest. It is easily configured with some default colors and places to insert custom content. Additional tweaks can be made through custom stylesheets.
Part of the programming-poem module series.
Configuration Defaults
var createMenu = require('poem-menu');
var menu = createMenu({
// Colors:
hamburgerColor : 0xffffff,
primaryColor : 0x54AFFF,
textColor : 0x9FC6E1,
menuColor : 0x272E34,
// Text or DOM Elements to insert into menu:
top : "Poem",
beforeLevels : "",
afterLevels : "",
bottom : "",
// Set false to follow links on the generated level links:
preventDefaultLevelLinks : true,
// Toggle the menu with this key:
toggleKey : 27 //escape
EventEmitter menu.emitter
menu.emitter.on( 'open', callback )
menu.emitter.on( 'close', callback )
menu.emitter.on( 'load', handleLevelLoad )
function menu.close()
Close the menu.
Open the menu.