Command line option handling utility
This module is used by the sodescribe command line utility is not currently targeting general use.
pogilvie_opt is inspired by the popular commander module. I choose to write my own. I wanted something that would automatically enforce required arguments instead of treating the next flag as an argument. Example given two flags which each require an argument.
sodescribe -s Account -u dev
Can be mistakenly typed as ...
sodescribe -s -u dev
The commander module treats the argument of -s as -u. Seems to be a known and not fixable in a backward compatible way so I wrote my own.
Here's an example of how to use it.
Program = require('pogilvie_opt'),
program = new Program(),
args = ['-o', 'bar', '--required', 'baz', '-s', '-v']
.option('-o --option [anOption]', 'optional arguments are specfied with [] with a word in it')
.option('-r --required <requiredArg>', 'required are specified with <> with a word in it')
.option('-s --standard', 'this is a simple flag long (-- version) is required')
.option('-u --unset', 'uset flags have undefined (false)value')
console.log(program.option) // bar
console.log(program.required) // baz
console.log(program.standard) // true
console.log(program.unset) // undefined