
Get the distance between 2 points on a 2d, 3d or Earth-like plane.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pointDistance from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/point-distance';


point-distance Travis CI Build Status

Get the distance between 2 points on a 2d, 3d or Earth-like plane.

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npm install point-distance


const pointDistance = require("point-distance")

console.log(pointDistance([0, 0], [3, 4]))
//=> 5

console.log(pointDistance([0, 0, 0], [3, 12, 4]))
//=> 13

console.log(pointDistance.earth([-36.848161, 174.762256], [-36.848513, 174.7635]))
//=> 117.6259


pointDistance([startX, startY, startZ?], [endX, endY, endZ?])

Get the distance between 2 points on a 2d or 3d plane.

startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ

Type: number

The starting and ending coordinates to get the distance between.

pointDistance.earth([startLatitude, startLongitude, startAltitude?], [endLatitude, endLongitude, endAltitude?])

Get the distance between 2 coordinates on Earth. Returns the distance in metres.

startLatitude, startLongitude, endLatitude, endLongitude

Type: number

The starting and ending coordinates to get the distance between.

startAltitude, endAltitude

Type: number

The starting and ending altitudes between the 2 coordinates in metres.