
A npm package to check if a geo-coordinate point is within a cirlce, given its geographical center (latitude and longitude) and the radius. The function can take in Geo-Coordinates and can be used to test if a point is in a particular GeoFence or a Geobo

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pointInCirlce from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/point-in-cirlce';


Points In Circle (GeoFence/GeoBountry)

This Package helps in finding if a geo coordinate provided is located inside a circle. This can be used to check if a particular point is within or outside a circular GeoFence/GeoBountry.


npm install --save geo-point-in-circle



The package takes in three inputs parameters.

  1. Latitude of the point to be checked.
  2. Longitude of the point to be checked.
  3. An object which holds the latitude, longitude of the center of the circle, and radius of the circle in km

Return Object

The package returns an object that has a "result" boolean - true or false and distanceFromCenter the distance of the point from the center of the circle . If the point is within the cirlce, it returns true, else will return false.


const checkPoint = require("geo-point-in-circle");
circle = { 
    circleLat : 20.5937,
    circleLng : 78.9629,
    circleRadius : 120

console.log(checkPoint(20.902 , 79.9629 , circle));

The above will return the result as

    result: true, 
    distanceFromCenter: 109.48865971794584