
An open-source cross-platform library to get raw events from pointing devices and master transfer functions

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pointing from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pointing';



Libpointing Node.js bindings

Libpointing is an open-source cross-platform library to get raw events from pointing devices and master transfer functions.


Libpointing is an open-source cross-platform library that provides direct access to HID pointing devices and supports the design of pointing transfer functions.


Note that, pointing with npm can be installed only on Mac OS and Linux.


var pointing = require('pointing');

if (process.argv.length < 5)
    console.log("Usage: node", process.argv[1], "[inputdeviceURI [outputdeviceURI [transferfunctionURI]]]")

global.input = pointing.PointingDevice((process.argv[2]) ? process.argv[2] : "any:")
var output = pointing.DisplayDevice((process.argv[3]) ? process.argv[3] : "any:");
var tFunc = pointing.TransferFunction((process.argv[4]) ? process.argv[4] : "system:", input, output);

input.setPointingCallback(function(timestamp, dx, dy, buttons) {
    var pixels = tFunc.applyi(dx, dy, timestamp);
    console.log(timestamp, dx, dy, buttons, " -> ", pixels.dx, pixels.dy);

var manager = pointing.PointingDeviceManager().addDeviceUpdateCallback(
    function(deviceDescriptor, wasAdded)
        console.log(deviceDescriptor, wasAdded);
var acc = pointing.SystemPointerAcceleration();
console.log("Current acceleration for mouse:", acc.get());

setTimeout(function() {
}, 100000);


This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.