POJO Backbone View
Backbone Views that use Plain Old Javascript Objects and dirty checking
Backbone Models are painful when manipulating complex and deeply nested Javascript objects. If you want to create Meteor-style views that use templates and properly preserve inputs with all the handiness of Angular.JS dirty checking, then POJO Backbone View is the thing for you.
Depends on backbone and lodash (for deep cloning). Is Bootstrap friendly.
POJO Backbone View is designed to be used with browserify.
There are two classes: PojoView and PojoListView.
A view with optional nested sub-views. Subviews are re-rendered properly and are themselves nestable.
To use, add template
function that returns a handlebars template (compiled). It will be called with the results of the data
function should produce an object which is passed to the template
Any post-render work can be done in postTemplate
function which is passed results of data
To add sub-views, create empty div in template with sub view id (any string). Then call:
Options id: the DOM id where the subview will be inserted factory: function which produces a view. It is called with result of scope function if scope is present scope: is a function which produces the object used to determine if the subview should be recreated. If not specified, subview will always be recreated on render. scope object is tested for === equality, not deep equal
When the view modifies the model object, it must call dirty() afterwards which triggers a smart re-render of the entire tree of views. Views whose model has not changed are left alone.
Override scope
function which by default returns the model to determine which object is used for dirty checking.
A view for Javascript arrays.
To use, add createItemView function:
createItemView(item, index)
item: item of the array index: 0-based index of the array item
returns: new Backbone view
When the view modifies the model object, it must call dirty() afterwards which triggers a smart re-render of the entire tree of views. Views whose model has not changed are left alone.
See demo