
A helper library for developers using PokeAuth.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pokeauth from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pokeauth';



A helper library for developers using PokeAuth.


npm install pokeauth --save

Getting Started

Make sure you have signed up for a developer account before following the steps below.

User Permissions

Add this image as a button on your website:

pokeauth button

In your dashboard you will find a url that looks like this:


When users click the PokeAuth button you should send your users to this url. Here the user can decide whether or not to give you permission to access to their details. If they approve your application they will be sent to your callback url along with their user id:


You can use the uid in this url to request user tokens.


The login method takes your developer email and password and returns a promise.

import pokeauth from 'pokeauth';

pokeauth.login(email, password)


You can retrieve the access tokens of users who have approved your application by passing their uid into the getUserToken method.

The getUserToken method returns an accessToken and a provider (either 'google' or 'ptc').


pokeauth.login(email, password).then(() => {
  pokeauth.getUserToken(uid).then((user) => {
    console.log(user.accessToken, user.provider);


await pokeauth.login(email, password);
const user = await pokeauth.getUserToken(uid);
console.log(user.accessToken, user.provider);