A from-scratch block chain, drawing inspiration from Nimiq. Made to inspire you to collect all the pokemon
- SHA256 encryption
- Pokemon based collectible cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin based mining scheme
- Basic tamper prevention including chain reversion on faulty block creation
Require file
//Need to update require location
const pokechain = require('pokechain');
Initialize blockchain
//pokecoin is not used after this, looking into dropping this requirement
var pokecoin = new pokechain();
"Create" a wallet
//You have 2 options to create a key/wallet, based on the private key. You can use an eliptic curve to create one
var newkey = pokechain.generatekey(); //uses 'secp256k1' curve by default
var key = newkey;
//Alternatively you can pass a custom string/privatekey to generate a keyset. Highly recommended to have a large string to increase security
var key = pokechain.grabKey('Enter a private key here');
//Public key is their address, should be known by whoever he wants to interact with
const curraddr = key.getPublic('hex');
//Ensure user remembers private key, and is secret to them
//It will be needed for transactions.
Mine a block
//Miner is awarded 6 pokemon
//This mines using the server. Looking into client side mining.
var result = pokechain.mineTransactions(curraddr);
console.log(result); //Returns "Transaction Complete!" or an error
Find "Balance"
//This crawls the blockchain, finding all transactions involving the curraddr, and consolidating down as needed
//Json array object
var userbox = pokechain.getUserbox(curraddr);
Create a transaction
//If you need a a pokemon id to trade:
//Had issues when not using JSON.parse - to fix
var pokemonid = JSON.parse(userbox[0]);
pokemonid =;
//Create transaction
pokechain.addTransaction(curraddr, "recievingaddr", pokemonid, key);
//Recommended to change location for accessibility and prevent overwriting
"Main": {
"blockchainfile": "./data/blockchain.json"
//Change available pokemon
"Pokemon": {
"MinID": 1, //based on pokedex, this is bulbasaur
"MaxID": 809, //based on pokedex, this is melmetal. change to 151 if you want just gen 1
"ShinyMin": 0, //Update shiny odds. Generates a random number. If the number == 420, is shiny
"ShinyMax": 8191, //Odds match that of actual games. Update for special events if you want
"StatsMin": 0, //Update IV odds. IVs are from 0-31.
"StatsMax": 31 //Update for special events if you want. 31 is "perfect"
Any and all contributions/feedback welcome!