
Get Pokémon base stats

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pokemonBaseStats from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pokemon-base-stats';



Build Status npm package

Get Pokémon base stats

The stats is returned as array like [HP, Attack, Defense, Sp.Attack, Sp.Defense, Speed].


$ npm install --save pokemon-base-stats


const baseStats = require('pokemon-base-stats')

baseStats.getById({ id: 6 })
// => [78, 84, 78, 109, 85, 100]

baseStats.getById({ id: 6, forme: 'megaX' })
// => [78, 130, 111, 130, 85, 100]

baseStats.getByName({ name: 'Charizard' })
// => [78, 84, 78, 109, 85, 100]

baseStats.getByName({ name: 'Charizard', forme: 'megaX' })
// => [78, 130, 111, 130, 85, 100]

baseStats.getByName({ name: '喷火龙', lang: 'zh-Hans' })
// => [78, 84, 78, 109, 85, 100]

baseStats.getByName({ name: '喷火龙', forme: 'megaX', lang: 'zh-Hans' })
// => [78, 130, 111, 130, 85, 100]

baseStats.getFormes({ name: 'Charizard' })
// => ['base', 'megaY', 'megaX']

baseStats.getFormes({ name: '胡帕', lang: 'zh-Hant' })
// => ['confined', 'unbound']

baseStats.getFormes({ id: 720 })
// => ['confined', 'unbound']


getById: { id, forme, lang = 'en' }

getByName: { name, forme, lang = 'en' }

getFormes: { id, name, lang = 'en' }

Supported languages

As it use pokemon under the hood, so do as the pokemon do:

  • de (German)
  • en (English)
  • fr (French)
  • ja (Japanese)
  • ko (Korean)
  • ru (Russian)
  • zh-Hans (Simplified Chinese)
  • zh-Hant (Traditional Chinese)


MIT © dalphyx