travis build">
An open source project created as practice for the course -
Pokemon Names
Get a all Pokemon names
import {pkmn} from 'pokemon-names-and-types'
pkmn.all //Returns all pokemon names as a json array
Get a random Pokemon name
import {pkmn} from 'pokemon-names-and-types'
pkmn.random() //Returns a random pokemon
Get n Pokemon names
import {pkmn} from 'pokemon-names-and-types'
pkmn.random(n) //Returns n random pokemon
Pokemon Types
Get type to which another is weak to
import {pkmnTypes} from 'pokemon-names-and-types'
pkmnTypes.getSuperEffectiveType("Steel") //Ice
Check if a type is strong/weak against another
import {pkmnTypes} from 'pokemon-names-and-types'
pkmnTypes.isWeak("Normal","Rock") //True
pkmnTypes.isStrong("Water","Ghost") //False
React Pokemon Badge component
Get a badge with name and specified types
import {Badge} from 'pokemon-names-and-types'
//Returns a badge with types indicated by color:
<Badge name="SomePokemon" type1="Fire" type2="Grass"/>