
PokemonShowdownClient (abbreviated PSC) is a high-level library for connecting to and interacting with the Pokemon Showdown server

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pokemonShowdownClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pokemon-showdown-client';



PokemonShowdownClient (abbreviated PSC) is a high-level library for connecting to and interacting with the Pokemon Showdown server.


The design goals for PSC are as follows:

  1. Explicit support for battling.
  2. A high level interface, with concepts of "turns" and "battles".
  3. Fast code.
  4. Good testability.

The code is organised around a high-level concept of a Client, which represents the actions of a single user. This user can create rooms, which are divided into battles and chat rooms. Actions that users would normally perform globally (e.g. renaming themselves, sending or receiving challenges, etc.) are delegated to the client, while room-specific actions (e.g. picking a move in a battle) are delegated to the specific room.


To install, run npm install pokemon-showdown-client.


When the client receives a message from the server, it calls its _handle method, which lexes the message into an internal representation known as a Message. If these messages are room-specific, it passes the Message to the _handle method of the appropriate room. Both the client and its rooms signal events by inheriting from EventEmitter.



  • Room-specific event handling
  • Events for battle functionality
  • Improved documentation


  • Promise-based return values that fulfil when a command has been confirmed
  • "Raw" mode for REPL that emits JSON events on stdout so it can embedded into other programs


  • Flow typechecking
  • Use a proper lexer/parser pipeline