
Typescript SDK for the PokemonTCG API (https://pokemontcg.io)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pokemonTcgSdkTypescript from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pokemon-tcg-sdk-typescript';


Pokemon TCG SDK TypeScript

This is the TypeScript SDK for the Pokemon TCG API.

V2 Announcement

Version 1 of this SDK is officially depricated. Version 2 stable release this SDK is scheduled to be released on Friday, September 17th, 20201. Version 1 will continue to receive support until then. See the migration guide for steps to update your app to use the latest supported version of the SDK



npm install --save pokemon-tcg-sdk-typescript


yarn add pokemon-tcg-sdk-typescript

It is recommended to use an API key for version 2 of the API. By default, requests are limited to 20,000/day. Requests are rate limited to 1000 requests a day, and a maximum of 30 per minute.

To use the SDK with an API key, create an account at https://dev.pokemontcg.io to grab an API key. Then set your API key to the environment variable POKEMONTCG_API_KEY in a .env file. Make sure to use this exact environment variable, otherwise the SDK will not be able to read the API key.

Class Definitions


  id: string;
  name: string;
  supertype: string;
  subtypes: string[];
  hp?: string;
  types?: string[];
  evolesFrom?: string;
  evolvesTo?: string[];
  rules?: string[];
  ancientTrait?: IAncientTrait;
  abilities?: IAbility[];
  attacks?: IAttack[];
  weaknesses?: IWeakness[];
  resistances?: IResistance[];
  retreatCost?: string[];
  convertedRetreatCost?: number;
  set: ISet;
  number: string;
  artist?: string;
  rarity: string;
  flavorText?: string;
  nationalPokedexNumbers?: number[];
  legalities: ILegality;
  images: ICardImage;
  tcgplayer?: ITCGPlayer;
  cardmarket?: ICardmarket;


name: string;
text: string;
type: string;


cost: string[];
name: string;
text: string;
damage: string;
convertedEnergyCost: string;

IResistance, IWeakness

type: string;
value: string;


  id: string;
  images: ISetImage;
  legalities: ILegality;
  name:  string;
  printedTotal: number;
  ptcgoCode: string;
  releaseDate: string;
  series:  string;
  total: number;
  updatedAt: string;


{ name: string, value: string | number }

Method Definitions

Card.find(id: string): Promise<Card>
Card.where(params: IQuery[]): Promise<Card[]>
Card.all(): Promise<Card[]>

Set.find(id: string): Promise<Set>
Set.where(params: IQuery[]): Promise<Set[]>
Set.all(): Promise<Set[]>

Meta.allTypes(): Promise<string[]>
Meta.allSubtypes(): Promise<string[]>
Meta.allSupertypes(): Promise<string[]>


All of the calls return generic promises like Promise<T> or Promise<T[]>. The type is determined from the class making the call. The examples here are using the Card class but the usage for the other classes are the same.

import { PokemonTCG } from 'pokemon-tcg-sdk-typescript'

  .then(card => {
    // do stuff with the card
  .catch(error => {
    // do something with the error

let params: PokemonTCG.IQuery[] = [{ name: 'name', value: 'Charizard' }];
  .then(cards => {
    // do stuff with the cards
  .catch(error => {
    // do something with the error

  .then(cards => {
    // do stuff with the cards
  .catch(error => {
    // do something with the error


  • Open an issue
    • Describe what the SDK is missing and what changes you'd like to see implemented
    • Ask clarifying questions
  • Fork it (click the Fork button at the top of the page)
  • Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  • Make some changes and fix some bugs!
  • Run the tests npm run-script test
  • Test your changes in a project of yours:
    • Create a link with npm or yarn (depending on what tool you installed this SDK with)
    • In your project that uses the SDK, install the linked package with yarn/npm link pokemon-tcg-sdk-typescript
    • Verify the SDK behaves as expected, and your changes took effect
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  • Create a new Pull Request to master