Node Pokemongo data
Provides useful utility functions to calculate pokemon's data. Granted sample input of:
const SamplePokemon = {
id: 'redactedid',
pokemon_id: 'HORSEA',
cp: 77,
stamina: 19,
stamina_max: 19,
move_1: 'BUBBLE_FAST',
move_2: 'DRAGON_PULSE',
height_m: 0.4252958297729492,
weight_kg: 8.927674293518066,
individual_attack: 15,
individual_defense: 15,
individual_stamina: 15,
cp_multiplier: 0.2557200491428375,
pokeball: 'ITEM_POKE_BALL',
captured_cell_id: 'redactedcellid',
creation_time_ms: '1469202648753'
You can perform the following operations:
stats.calc(pokemon, currentProfileLevel)
const PokemonData = require('pokemongo-data');
const stats = PokemonData.stats.calc(SamplePokemon, 40);
Stats would contain the following response:
// how much extra attack IA would give
IVInfluenceAttack: '12%',
// how much extra defense ID would give
IVInfluenceDefense: '15%',
// how much extra stamina IS would give
IVInfluenceStamina: '25%',
// how much IVs would contribute to total stats
IVInfluence: '16%',
// how much stardust is needed to levelup this pokemon to `maxLevel` thats specified below
stardustToMax: 268400,
// how much candies is needed to levelup this pokemon to `maxLevel` thats specified below
candiesToMax: 298,
// base values of this pokemon, same for every similar pokemon
BaseStamina: 60,
BaseAttack: 122,
BaseDefense: 100,
// current cp
cp: 77,
// current pokemon level
level: 7,
// current stats based on level, IVs & base values
attack: 35.03364673256874,
defense: 29.407805651426315,
stamina: 19.179003685712814,
currentCpMultiplier: 0.2557200491428375,
// theoretical max current combat power
currentCombatPower: 83,
maxLevel: 79,
// theoretical max stats of this pokemon based on max level, IVs & base values
maxAttack: 108.27110137000001,
maxDefense: 90.88450115,
maxStamina: 59.272500750000006,
// theoretical max combat power
maxCombatPower: 794,
maxCpMultiplier: 0.79030001,
// how good are IVs
powerQuotient: 100
- readme > stats.calc()
- readme > stats.cpByLevel
- readme > stats.levelByCp
- readme > stats.candyToLevel
- readme > stats.stardustToLevel
- readme > moves.byId
- readme > moves.byName
- readme > data.byName
- readme > data.byNumber