
Pokemon Go protobuf protocol wrapper for node.js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pokemongoProtobuf from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pokemongo-protobuf';


Pokemon Go Protobuf wrapper for Node

npm version dependencies downloads

This package wraps the node-protobuf and the current Pokemon Go protobuf definitions together in one package.

Take a look at the Pokemon Go MITM project to see how it can be used.


npm i --save pokemongo-protobuf


var proto = require('pokemongo-protobuf');

// get a buffer somewhere
var data = proto.parse(buffer, "POGOProtos.Networking.Envelopes.ResponseEnvelope");

// Do stuff with data

Recompile the proto definitions

By now, the POGOProtos include a compile script. Pull the newest revision and compile it with python compile_single.py -d to generate a new out/POGOProtos.desc.

And: This README deserves more love :)