Sends desktop and SMS notifications when Pokémon are near a geolocation. This command uses Pokevision's API.
npm i -g pokemonitor
At a minimum, you'll need to pass pokemonitor
a latitude, a longitude, and a .csv file with the Pokémon you want to get notified about (here's the list I use).
You can also pass additional flags to get SMS (via Twilio) and change the polling interval, etc.
Usage: pokemonitor [options] <lat>,<lng>
Get notified about Pokémon near a location
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-a, --alias <name> Location alias for geo coordinates
-s, --sms <to>,<from> Phone numbers to send text message to and from
-t, --twilio <SID>,<token> Your Twilio Account SID and Twilio Auth Token (
-p, --pokemon <file> .csv file of Pokémon you want to get notified about
-i, --interval <seconds> How often to search (min 30)
Basic Usage (Desktop Notifications)
pokemonitor --pokemon <file> <lat>,<lng>
Advanced Usage (Desktop Notifications and SMS)
pokemonitor --sms <to>,<from> --twilio <SID>,<token> --pokemon <file> <lat>,<lng>