
Shows a (random) Pokémon in your terminal!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pokemonshow from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pokemonshow';



Shows a (random) Pokémon in your terminal!


npm i -g pokemonshow



      $ pokemonshow <nameOrNumber>

        --xterm, -x  Show xterm instead of image in iTerm
        --say, -s Announces the name of the Pokémon
        --list Lists all the available Pokémon

        $ pokemonshow
        $ pokemonshow pikachu
        $ pokemonshow 025 -x
        $ pokemonshow 025 -s

About alternative forms

Some Pokémon have different forms, thus different sprites. Since they technically have the same name everytime, they can be referred using the filename that Bulbapedia uses for their sprite.

An example with Vulpix would look like this:

  • "Regular" Vulpix
    • pokemonshow vulpix
  • Alolan Vulpix
    • pokemonshow vulpix-a

Some recurring suffixes are:

  • -a => Alola
  • -g => Galar

There are a lot of small exceptions for all the different variations of Pokémon, the best solution is to run the following command to see all the variations of a given Pokémon:

pokemonshow --list | grep <name>

About "special" names

Some Pokémon have names with special characters that are hard to type in a terminal. Examples of this are:

  • Farfetch'd
  • Mr. Mime
  • Nidoran♂ and Nidoran♀
  • Flabébé

In order to work around this, each Pokémon get an unique slug generated from their name, as such, the above examples become:

  • Farfetch'd => farfetch-d
  • Mr. Mime => mr-mime
  • Nidoran♂ and Nidoran♀ => nidoran-male and nidoran-female
  • Flabébé => flabebe


  • The small images are only displayed on iTerm2 >= 3.x (using term-img). All other terminals will default to the xterm files.


Please notice I don't own Pokémon or anything related to it. Pokémon is property of The Pokémon Company.


You will need:

  • NodeJS 12.x or newer
  • npm

If you need to update the images and xterm files, you will need:

  • ImageMagick
  • img2xterm (this needs to be compiled from source)

Then run

npm run scrape && npm run make-xterm