
Evaluate poker hold'em hands

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pokerHas from '';



You can install poker-has via npm:

npm i poker-has --save

About poker-has

poker-has does just one thing: it tries to guess the strength of a given poker combination. It exports only one method:

const whatIs = require("poker-has");

The whatIs function expects to be called with an array of five cards. A card is an object with properties rank, and type, like the one used by poker-deck.

  { rank: "6", type: "H" },
  { rank: "7", type: "D" },
  { rank: "9", type: "S" },
  { rank: "8", type: "C" },
  { rank: "5", type: "C" },

This is a straight of 9... however poker-has know this is a combination with a strength of 4 compared to the other possible poker combinations.

  { rank: "2", type: "D" },
  { rank: "3", type: "D" },
  { rank: "J", type: "D" },
  { rank: "5", type: "D" },
  { rank: "6", type: "D" },

This is a flush, and the highest card is Jack; so this combination has a strength of 5. In this case the expected result is:

  name: "Flush", 
  strength: 5, 
  rank: "J", 
  kickers: ["6", "5", "3", "2"],