
A library to classify poker hands.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pokerhand from '';



A library to classify poker hands.

For poker functions, only supports 5 card hands.

Card suits: 'h','c','s','d'

Card ranks: '2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','T','J','Q','K','A'

To install:

npm install pokerhand --save

To use:

var pokerhand = require('pokerhand');

var Deck = pokerhand.Deck;
var Poker = pokerhand.Poker;
var Card = pokerhand.Card;
var Hand = pokerhand.Hand;

// create deck and poker object
var d = new Deck();
var p = new Poker(d);

// must have five cards
var cards = [
  new Card('c', 'A'),
  new Card('c', 'Q'),
  new Card('c', 'T'),
  new Card('c', 'K'),
  new Card('c', 'J'),

// create a hand
var h = new Hand(cards);

if (p.isStraightFlush(h)) {
  console.log("straight flush");

// outputs 'straight flush'

To run tests:


To run poker app test:

grunt pokerhand