
A CLI for downloading manga from sites across the web.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import poketoCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/poketo-cli';


Poketo CLI

Download manga chapters from the command-line. An example use-case for the poketo scraping library.

This CLI is entirely functional, but is still a work-in-progress. Feedback is welcome!


Install the CLI from npm.

npm i -g poketo-cli

Downloading a chapter

To download a chapter, paste the chapter's reader url after the poketo command. For example:

$ poketo https://jaiminisbox.com/reader/read/my-hero-academia/en/0/181/page/1

✓ Found chapter: Chapter 181: For Someone Else's Sake
✓ Downloaded 15 pages to ./

Downloading a series

To download a series, paste a link to the chapter index page. For example:

$ poketo https://mangadex.org/manga/13127

✓ Found series: Urami koi, koi, urami koi.
⠹ Downloading 50 chapters

Downloading a series will also include a .json file with metadata about that series, and a thumbnail-sized cover image, making this CLI useful for archival purposes.

You can see all supported sites on the poketo repository.


Please be considerate to groups hosting manga series and don't use this tool to overload their servers. If you're going to download many chapters or series, do it over a few days.
