
PokitDok Platform API Client for NodeJS. https://platform.pokitdok.com

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pokitdokNodejs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pokitdok-nodejs';



PokitDok Platform API Client for NodeJS

alt tag



npm install pokitdok-nodejs

Supported NodeJS versions

This library aims to support and is tested against these NodeJS versions, using travis-ci:

  • 0.8.x
  • 0.9.x
  • 0.10.x

API Reference

class: PokitDok


new PokitDok(clientId, clientSecret, version)

Create a connection to the pokitdok API. The version defaults to v4. You must enter your client ID and client secret or all requests made with your connection will return errors.


  • clientId string - The client id of your PokitDok App
  • clientSecret string - The client secret of your PokitDok App
  • version string - the version of the API the connection should use


// get a connection to the PokitDok Platform for the most recent version
var PokitDok = require('pokitdok-nodejs');
var pokitdok = new PokitDok(process.env.POKITDOK_CLIENT_ID, process.env.POKITDOK_CLIENT_SECRET);


// get a connection to the PokitDok Platform for version 3
var PokitDok = require('pokitdok-nodejs');
var pokitdokV3 = new PokitDok(process.env.POKITDOK_CLIENT_ID, process.env.POKITDOK_CLIENT_SECRET, 'v3');

pokitDok.apiRequest(options, callback)

A generic API request that is used by all specific endpoints functions like pokitdok.activities(...) and pokitdok.CashPrices(...).


  • options object - keys: path, method, qs, json. The path is the desired API endpoint, such as /activities or /tradingpartners. Method is the desired HTTP request method. qs is the query string containing request paramaters, and json is a json object containing request options.
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter


   // Get a list of activities using the generic pokitdok.apiRequest(...) function.
   // This has the same result as the first pokidtdok.activities(...) example.
       path: '/activities/' + token,
       method: (options.transition && options.id) ? 'PUT' : 'GET',
       qs: (!options.id) ? options : null,
       json: {
           transition: options.transition
   }, function(err, res) {
      if (err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
      // print the activity name status and id
      for (var i = 0, ilen = res.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
          var activity = res.data[i];
          console.log(activity.id + ':' + activity.name + ':' + activity.state.name);

pokitDok.activities(options, callback)

Get a list of activities from the API. If an id is passed with the options, get a single activity. You can also change the state of an activity by passing the desired state (pause, cancel, resume) in the transition key.


  • options object - keys: id, transition
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter

See API documentation for more information


// get a list of activities
pokitdok.activities({}, function(err, res){
    if(err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // print the activity name status and id
    for (var i = 0, ilen = res.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
        var activity = res.data[i];
        console.log(activity.id + ':' + activity.name + ':' + activity.state.name);


// get a single activity
    id: '5317f51527a27620f2ec7533'
}, function(err, res){
    if(err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // print the activity name status and id
    console.log(res.data.id + ':' + res.data.name + ':' + res.data.state.name);


// cancel an  activity
    id: '5317f51527a27620f2ec7533',
    transition: 'cancel'
}, function(err, res){
    if(err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // print the activity name status and id
    console.log(res.data.id + ':' + res.data.name + ':' + res.data.state.name);

pokitDok.authorizations(options, callback)

The Authorizations resource allows an application to submit a request for the review of health care in order to obtain an authorization for that health care.


  • options object - the authorizations query
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter

See API documentation for more information


// submit an authorizations request
    event: {
           category: 'health_services_review',
           certification_type: 'initial',
           delivery: {
               quantity: 1,
               quantity_qualifier: 'visits'
           diagnoses: [
                   code: '789.00',
                   date: '2014-10-01'
           place_of_service: 'office',
           provider: {
               organization_name: 'KELLY ULTRASOUND CENTER, LLC',
               npi: '1760779011',
               phone: '8642341234'
           services: [
                   cpt_code: '76700',
                   measurement: 'unit',
                   quantity: 1
           type: 'diagnostic_imaging'
       patient: {
           birth_date: '1970-01-01',
           first_name: 'JANE',
           last_name: 'DOE',
           id: '1234567890'
       provider: {
           first_name: 'JEROME',
           npi: '1467560003',
           last_name: 'AYA-AY'
       trading_partner_id: 'MOCKPAYER'
}, function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // print the correlation_id and trading_partner_id of the authorization
    console.log(res.data.correlation_id + ':' + res.data.trading_partner_id);

pokitDok.cashPrices(options, callback)

Get a list of cash prices for a particular CPT Code in a specific Zip Code


  • options object - keys: cpt_code, zip_code
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter

See API documentation for more information


// print the procedure code and price for a particular zip/cpt combination
        zip_code: '94401',
        cpt_code: '90658'
    }, function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // print the cpt, geo_zip and average price
    for (var i = 0, ilen = res.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
        var price = res.data[i];
        console.log(price.cpt_code + ':' + price.geo_zip_area +  ':' + price.average);

pokitDok.claims(options, callback)

Submit a claim for processing. The API calls back with an activity object that tracks the state of the claim.


  • options object - the claim document
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter

See API documentation for more information


// submit a claim document
    transaction_code: 'chargeable',
    trading_partner_id: 'MOCKPAYER',
    billing_provider: {
        taxonomy_code: '207Q00000X',
        first_name: 'Jerome',
        last_name: 'Aya-Ay',
        npi: '1467560003',
        address: {
            address_lines: [
                '8311 WARREN H ABERNATHY HWY'
            city: 'SPARTANBURG',
            state: 'SC',
            zipcode: '29301'
        tax_id: '123456789'
    subscriber: {
        first_name: 'Jane',
        last_name: 'Doe',
        member_id: 'W000000000',
        address: {
            address_lines: ['123 N MAIN ST'],
            city: 'SPARTANBURG',
            state: 'SC',
            zipcode: '29301'
        birth_date: '1970-01-01',
        gender: 'female'
    claim: {
        total_charge_amount: 60.0,
        service_lines: [
                procedure_code: '99213',
                charge_amount: 60.0,
                unit_count: 1.0,
                diagnosis_codes: [
                service_date: '2014-06-01'
}, function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // print the activity id, name and state
    console.log(res.data.id + ':' + res.data.name + ':' + res.data.state.name);

pokitDok.claimStatus(options, callback)

Get the status of a submitted claim from the specified trading partner. You can specify a specific tracking id if you have one from the original claim.


  • options object - the claim status query
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter

See API documentation for more information


// get the status of a claim using a date range and tracking id
    patient: {
        birth_date: '1970-01-01',
        first_name: 'JANE',
        last_name: 'DOE',
        id: '1234567890'
    provider: {
        first_name: 'Jerome',
        last_name: 'Aya-Ay',
        npi: '1467560003',
    service_date: '2014-01-01',
    service_end_date: '2014-01-04',
    trading_partner_id: 'MOCKPAYER',
    tracking_id: 'ABC12345'
}, function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // print the correlation_id and trading_partner_id of the claim
    console.log(res.data.correlation_id + ':' + res.data.trading_partner_id);

pokitDok.eligibility(options, callback)

Get an eligibility response from a trading partner based on the provided eligibility document (provider, member, cpt code, service_types)


  • options object - keys: provider, service_types, member, cpt_code, trading_partner_id
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter

See API documentation for more information


// get general eligibility for a member for a specific provider
    member: {
        birth_date: '1970-01-01',
        first_name: 'Jane',
        last_name: 'Doe',
        id: 'W000000000'
    provider: {
        first_name: 'JEROME',
        last_name: 'AYA-AY',
        npi: '1467560003'
    service_types: ['health_benefit_plan_coverage'],
    trading_partner_id: 'MOCKPAYER'
}, function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // print the member eligibility for the specified provider


// get eligibility for a member for a specific CPT code
    member: {
        birth_date: '1970-01-01',
        first_name: 'Jane',
        last_name: 'Doe',
        id: 'W000000000'
    provider: {
        first_name: 'JEROME',
        last_name: 'AYA-AY',
        npi: '1467560003'
    cpt_code: '81291',
    trading_partner_id: 'MOCKPAYER'
}, function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // print the member eligibility for the specified CPT code

pokitDok.enrollment(options, callback)

Get an enrollment response from a trading partner based on the provided enrollment document (provider, member, cpt code, service_types)


  • options object - keys: provider, service_types, member, cpt_code, trading_partner_id
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter

See API documentation for more information


// get general enrollment for a member for a specific provider
    member: {
        birth_date: '1970-01-01',
        first_name: 'Jane',
        last_name: 'Doe',
        id: 'W000000000'
    provider: {
        first_name: 'JEROME',
        last_name: 'AYA-AY',
        npi: '1467560003'
    service_types: ['health_benefit_plan_coverage'],
    trading_partner_id: 'MOCKPAYER'
}, function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // print the member enrollment for the specified provider

pokitDok.icdConvert(options, callback)

The ICD Convert endpoint allows a client application to request ICD-9 to ICD-10 mapping information for the specified ICD-9 code. This endpoint retrieves ICD-9 to ICD-10 mapping information.



// Basic ICD-9 to ICD-10 conversion
pokitdok.icdConvert(icd9Code, function(err,res) {
    if ( err ) {
    } else {
       // Print out the ICD-10 values for the destination scenarios choice list
       for ( var i = 0; ilen = res.data.destination_scenarios.choice_lists.length; i < ilen; i++ ) {

pokitDok.insurancePrices(options, callback)

Get a list of insurance prices for a particular CPT Code in a specific Zip Code


  • options object - keys: cpt_code, zip_code
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter

See API documentation for more information


// print the procedure code and price for a particular zip/cpt combination
        zip_code: '94401',
        cpt_code: '90658'
    }, function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // print the cpt and geo_zip
    console.log(res.data.cpt_code + ':' + res.data.geo_zip_area);
    // print the average price per payment types
    for (var i = 0, ilen = res.data.amounts.length; i < ilen; i++) {
        var price = res.data.amounts[i];
        console.log(price.payment_type + ':' + price.average);

pokitDok.medicalProcedureCodes(options, callback)

Get a list of medical procedure information meeting certain search criteria.


  • options object - possible query string parameters or a specific code. Available query paramters: name, description.
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter

See API documentation for more information


// Print a list of all code names
pokitdok.medicalProcedureCodes({}, function(req, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // Print the list
    for (var i = 0, ilen = res.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {


Get a list of payers from the API for use in other EDI transactions.


  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter

See API documentation for more information


// print the trading partner id's, used to identify a payer for other EDI transaction
pokitdok.payers(function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // print the name and trading_partner_id of each payer
    for (var i = 0, ilen = res.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
        var payer = res.data[i];
        console.log(payer.payer_name + ':' + payer.trading_partner_id);

pokitDok.plans(options, callback)

Get information about available plans based on parameters given

See API documentation for more information


  • options object - keys: trading_partner_id, county, state, plan_id, plan_type, plan_name, metallic_level
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter


// fetch any plan information
pokitdok.plans(function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // print the plan names and ids
    for (var i = 0, ilen = res.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
        var plan = res.data[i];
        console.log(plan.plan_name + ':' + plan.plan_id);


// fetch plan information for PPOs in Texas
pokitdok.plans({plan_type:'PPO', state: 'TX'}, function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // print the plan names and ids
    for (var i = 0, ilen = res.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
        var plan = res.data[i];
        console.log(plan.plan_name + ':' + plan.plan_id);

pokitDok.providers(options, callback)

Search health care providers in the PokitDok directory. When an id is specified in the options object, a single provider or a 404 error response is returned. When a npi is specified on the options object, a single provider or 404 error is returned. Use any of the other available options to return a list of providers.

See API documentation for more information


  • options object - keys: npi, zipcode, radius, first_name, last_name, specialty, organization_name, limit
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter


// get a list of providers based on the filters provided
    zipcode: 94118,
    last_name: 'shen',
    radius: '10mi',
    limit: 2
}, function(err, res){
    if(err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // res.data is a list of results
    for(var i=0, ilen=res.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
        var provider = res.data[i].provider;
        console.log(provider.first_name + ' ' + provider.last_name);


// get a provider using a npi id
    npi: '1881692002'
}, function(err, res){
    if(err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // res.data is a single result
    console.log(res.data.provider.first_name + ' ' + res.data.provider.last_name);

pokitDok.referrals(options, callback)

The Referrals resource allows an application to request approval for a referral to another health care provider.

See API documentation for more information


  • options object - the authorizations query
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter


// submit a referral request for approval
    event: {
           category: 'specialty_care_review',
           certification_type: 'initial',
           delivery: {
               quantity: 1,
               quantity_qualifier: 'visits'
           diagnoses: [
                   code: '384.20',
                   date: '2014-09-30'
           place_of_service: 'office',
           provider: {
               first_name: 'JOHN',
               npi: '1154387751',
               last_name: 'FOSTER',
               phone: '8645822900'
           type: 'consultation'
       patient: {
           birth_date: '1970-01-01',
           first_name: 'JANE',
           last_name: 'DOE',
           id: '1234567890'
       provider: {
           first_name: 'CHRISTINA',
           last_name: 'BERTOLAMI',
           npi: '1619131232'
       trading_partner_id: 'MOCKPAYER'
}, function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // print the correlation_id and trading_partner_id of the referral
    console.log(res.data.correlation_id + ':' + res.data.trading_partner_id);

pokitDok.schedulers(options, callback)

Get a list of supported scheduling systems and their UUIDs and descriptions or get a single

See API documentation for more information


  • options object - Available keys: scheduler_uuid - A scheduling system's unique ID
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter


// Grab a list of schedulers and print their descriptions
pokitdok.schedulers(function(err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err);
    for (var i = 0, ilen = res.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
        var scheduler = res.data[i];


// Grab a single scheduler and print the scheduler object
    uuid: schedulersList[0].scheduler_uuid
    }, function(err, res) {
          if (err) {
            return console.log(err);

pokitDok.appointmentTypes(options, callback)

Get a list of appointment types, their UUIDs, and descriptions.

See API documentation for more information


  • options object - Available keys: uuid - An appointment type's unique ID
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter


// Grab a list of appointment types and print their type and descriptions
pokitdok.appointmentTypes(function(err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err);
    for (var i = 0, ilen = res.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
        var appt_type = res.data[i];
        console.log(appt_type.type + ' - ' + appt_type.description);


// Grab a single appointment type and print the appointment type object
pokitdok.appointmentTypes(function(err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err);

pokitDok.appointments(options, callback)

Query for open appointment slots (using pd_provider_uuid and location) or booked appointments (using patient_uuid) given query parameters.

See API documentation for more information


  • options object - Available keys: uuid - An appointment type's unique ID, pd_provider_uuid - A provider's unique ID, patient_uuid - an existing patient's unique ID, and location - location {object} for a provider or business
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter


// Grab a list of appointment types and print their type and descriptions
pokitdok.appointments(function(err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err);
    for (var i = 0, ilen = res.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
        var appt = res.data[i];
        console.log(appt_type.type + ' - ' + appt_type.description);


// Grab a single appointment and print the appointment type object
        uuid: 'ef987691-0a19-447f-814d-f8f3abbf4859'
    function(err, res) {
        if (err) {
            return console.log(err);

pokitDok.updateAppointment(options, callback)

Book appointment for an open slot or edit its description. Post data contains patient attributes and description.

See API documentation for more information


  • options object - Required keys: pd_appointment_uuid,
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter


// Delete an appointment slot with the given uuid
           uuid: ab21e95b-8fa6-41d4-98b9-9a1f6fcff0d2
       },function(err, res) {
          if (err) {
              return console.log(err);

pokitDok.deleteAppointment(options, callback)

Cancel appointment given its {pd_appointment_uuid}.

See API documentation for more information


  • options object - Required keys: pd_appointment_uuid,
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter


// Delete an appointment slot with the given uuid
           uuid: ab21e95b-8fa6-41d4-98b9-9a1f6fcff0d2
       },function(err, res) {
          if (err) {
              return console.log(err);

pokitDok.addPatientToSystem(options, callback)

Registers an existing PokitDok user as a patient within a provider’s scheduling system.

See API documentation for more information


  • options object - Required keys: pd_patient_uuid - The PokitDok unique identifier for the user record, pd_provider_uuid - The PokitDok unique identifier for the provider record. location - The geo-location of the provider’s physical address.
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter


// Grab a list of appointment types and print their type and descriptions
pokitdok.addPatientToSystem(function(err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err);
   // An example response from this endpoint:
   // {
   //     'uuid': '2773f6ff-00cb-460f-823f-5ff2208511e7',
   //     'email': 'peg@emailprovider.com',
   //     'phone': '5553331122',
   //     'birth_date': '1990-01-13',
   //     'first_name': 'Peg',
   //     'last_name': 'Patient',
   //     'member_id': 'PD20150001'
   // }

pokitDok.createAppointmentSlot(options, callback)

Creates an open scheduling slot with the specified start and end times at the specified provider and location.

See API documentation for more information


  • options object - Required keys: pd_provider_uuid, location, appointment_type, start_date, end_date
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter


// Grab a list of appointment types and print their type and descriptions
pokitdok.createAppointmentSlot(function(err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err);
   // An example response from this endpoint
   // {
   //     'pd_appointment_uuid': 'ab21e95b-8fa6-41d4-98b9-9a1f6fcff0d2',
   //     'provider_scheduler_uuid': '8b21efa4-8535-11e4-a6cb-0800272e8da1',
   //     'appointment_id': 'W4MEM00001',
   //     'appointment_type': 'AT1',
   //     'start_date': '2014-12-16T15:09:34.197709',
   //     'end_date': '2014-12-16T16:09:34.197717',
   //     'booked': false
   // }

pokitDok.deleteAppointmentSlot(options, callback)

Deletes an open scheduling slot with the specified uuid.

See API documentation for more information


  • options object - Required keys: pd_appointment_uuid.
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter


// Delete an appointment slot with the given uuid
           uuid: ab21e95b-8fa6-41d4-98b9-9a1f6fcff0d2
       },function(err, res) {
          if (err) {
              return console.log(err);

pokitDok.getIdentity(options, callback)

Returns a list containing a single identity resource if a uuid is provided or returns a list containing one or more identity resources meeting search criteria.

See API documentation for more information


  • options object - A list of parameters used to create the identity resource. Avaiable keys include: address.adddress_lines, address.city, address.state, address.zipcode, birth_date, email, first_name, gender, identifiers, last_name, member_id, middle_name, phone, prefix, secondary_phone ssn, suffix, uuid.
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter


// Get a single identity resource by providing an uuid
           uuid: '881bc095-2068-43cb-9783-cce630364122'
       },function(err, res) {
          if (err) {
              return console.log(err);


// Query the indentity endpoint for an identity resource with the given values for the fields provided
           first_name: 'Oscar',
           last_name: 'Whitemire',
           gender: 'male'
       },function(err, res) {
          if (err) {
              return console.log(err);

pokitDok.updateIdentity(options, callback)

Updates an existing identity resource. Returns the updated resource

See API documentation for more information


  • options object - A list of parameters used to create the identity resource. Avaiable keys include: address.adddress_lines, address.city, address.state, address.zipcode, birth_date, email, first_name, gender, identifiers, last_name, member_id, middle_name, phone, prefix, secondary_phone ssn, suffix, uuid.
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter


// Get a single identity resource by providing an uuid
           uuid: '881bc095-2068-43cb-9783-cce630364122'
           prefix: 'Mr.',
           first_name: 'Oscar',
           middle_name: 'Harold',
           last_name: 'Whitmire',
           suffix: 'IV',
           birth_date: '2000-05-01',
           gender: 'male',
           email: 'oscar.whitmire@pokitdok.com',
           phone: '555-555-5555',
           secondary_phone: '333-333-4444',
           address: {
               address_lines: ['1400 Anyhoo Avenue'],
               city: 'Springfield',
               state: 'IL',
               zipcode: '90210'
           identifiers: [
                   location: [-121.93831, 37.53901],
                   provider_uuid: '1917f12b-fb6a-4016-93bc-adeb83204c83',
                   system_uuid: '967d207f-b024-41cc-8cac-89575a1f6fef',
                   value: 'W90100-IG-88'

       }, function(err, res) {
          if (err) {
              return console.log(err);

pokitDok.createIdentity(options, callback)

Creates an identity resource. Returns the created resource with a uuid

See API documentation for more information


  • options object - A list of parameteres used to creat the identity resource. Avaiable keys include: address.adddress_lines, address.city, address.state, address.zipcode, birth_date, email, first_name, gender, identifiers, last_name, member_id, middle_name, phone, prefix, secondary_phone ssn, suffix, uuid.
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter


// Create a new identity resource with the following information
           'prefix': 'Mr.',
           'first_name': 'Oscar',
           'middle_name': 'Harold',
           'last_name': 'Whitmire',
           'suffix': 'IV',
           'birth_date': '2000-05-01',
           'gender': 'male',
           'email': 'oscar@pokitdok.com',
           'phone': '555-555-5555',
           'secondary_phone': '333-333-4444',
           'address': {
               'address_lines': ['1400 Anyhoo Avenue'],
               'city': 'Springfield',
               'state': 'IL',
               'zipcode': '90210'
           'identifiers': [
                   'location': [-121.93831, 37.53901],
                   'provider_uuid': '1917f12b-fb6a-4016-93bc-adeb83204c83',
                   'system_uuid': '967d207f-b024-41cc-8cac-89575a1f6fef',
                   'value': 'W90100-IG-88'

       },function(err, res) {
          if (err) {
              return console.log(err);

pokitDok.tradingPartners(options, callback)

Get a list of trading partners from the API for use in other EDI transactions.

See API documentation for more information


  • options object - A object containing some options for the request. Possible keys include: id (a trading partner id)
  • callback function - a callback function that accepts an error and response parameter


// print the trading partner id's, used to identify a payer for other EDI transaction
pokitdok.tradingPartners(function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    // print the name and trading_partner_id of each trading partner
    for (var i = 0, ilen = res.data.length; i < ilen; i++) {
        var tradingPartner = res.data[i];
        console.log(tradingPartner.name + ':' + tradingPartner.id);


// print a single trading partner
pokitdok.tradingPartners({id:'MOCKPAYER'}, function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err, res.statusCode);
    console.log(res.data.name + ':' + res.data.id);


Copyright (c) 2014 PokitDok Inc. See LICENSE for details.