Small, nimble, and powerful serverless deployments.
There are a number of other serverless deployment systems available, but none offered convenience when deploying "application variants". They also tend to lack support for team based operations. An application variant is a deployment of the same code to a number of instances, each with different configurations. This kind of deployment can happen in enterprise software when a different server is launched for each tenant.
The current biggest limitation is that Polecat is restricted to AWS. In the future I'd very much like to expand this to include other major providers.
Polecat starts with the concept of an "application". An application is based on a single set of code, and is normally something considered independant of other applications. A company may have, for example, two main products; each of these would be considered an application.
The next level down is the "deployment". A deployment is specific to an application, and represents a variation on configuration. Each deployment has its own domain name, and is effectively considered a unique website. The only connection between deployments is that they share a code base.
Each deployment may provision one or more databases, connected specifically to that deployment.
TODO: Talk about how the code and bundle are separated and considered to operate. Administration commands, etc.
To start using Polecat, you'll need:
An AWS account.
Access to your AWS account using the CLI.
Initialise Polecat and Application
Polecat needs two things in order to be used:
A storage location for code bundles, and application uploads.
An administrator account.
The storage location is currently limited to an S3 bucket. This bucket can be used on a per application basis, or a single bucket may be used to house multiple applications across an organisation. Both options may be created by specifying the bucket name to to the initialisation command.
To initialise an application, including a storage bucket and an administrator account, run:
polecat init <application> [bucket]
Here, <application>
is the application name to
initialise. [bucket]
is an optional argument describing the name of
the bucket to use to house uploads. If omitted, the value is taken to
be the same as the application, creating a "per-application" bucket
scenario. For example, to create an application called myapp
using a
bucket of the same name, run:
polecat init myapp
If this is the first time the initialisation command has been run, a
new file will be created in the current directory called
. It includes the administrator AWS
credentials to be used to administer Polecat. Place them in your
file, and enable them when you wish to administer
Polecat. It's recommended to create application specific users/groups
for regular usage.
Create Group and User
For everyday interaction with applications, especially when in a team environment, being able to limit the actions of a particular user can be invaluable. Some users we trust to redeploy a limited group of applications. Others we may trust to run administration commands on certain applications, but not to redeploy. The variations on this theme are many and varied.
Polecat supports creation of users and groups to partition authorization across applications and deployments.
In order to provide access to applications and deployments, create a new group:
polecat create-group <name> [application, application, ...]
For example, to create a new group called developers
with access to
our application from above, myapp
, we can run:
polecat create-group developers myapp
To create new users, we can use:
polecat create-user <username> [group, group, ...]
This will create users initially assigned to a set of groups. For
example, to create a new user named harry
that is currently assigned
to the developers
group, run:
polecat create-user harry developers
This will create a new file called harry.credentials
, containing the
AWS credentials to be used by the new user. Send these to the user in
question; they need to enable these credentials when interacting with
Create Application Deployment
Applications represent the code associated with a project, but by themselves cannot be deployed. To support variations on configuration associated with applications, Polecat provides "deployments". Each deployment provides for different environment variables, and can be deployed to various versions of your code.
To create a new deployment, use:
polecat create-deployment <name>
For example, to create a production
deployment of our application we
could run:
polecat create-deployment production
Upload Code/Bundle
polecat upload-code production
polecat upload-bundle production web/dist
Publish Deployment
To publish your deployment to the world, you'll need:
A Route53 domain name.
A certificate managed with ACM.
Please refer to Amazon's documentation surrounding both of the
above. Assuming we've created a domain for
, and a
certificate for
, we can declare that we wish to publish
the production deployment of our application with:
polecat publish production
Deploy All Changes
Up until now we've not actually created any new infrastructure on AWS; instead we've declared to Polecat how we want our infrastructure to be created. To request all changed be created we can run:
polecat deploy
After a minute or two you should be able to navigate to
see your site.
Create Deployment Database
Most modern applications require databases. Polecat provides a convienience command to create a new database and link it to a deployment via environmental values:
polecat create-db production
Note: To deploy the new database secret you will need to rerun
polecat deploy
Add Secrets
To add secret values exposed through the environment:
polecat create-secret production MY_SECRET my-value
Note: To deploy the new secret you will need to rerun polecat deploy
Costs and Usage
Polecat provides a convenient command to review your usage and costs for applications.
polecat cost-usage
- Bug when deploying without any secrets.