
Polynomial Code Linter

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import polhint from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/polhint';


Polhint Project

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This is an open source project for linting Polynomial code. This project provides both Security and Style Guide validations.


You can install Polhint using npm:

npm install -g polhint

# verify that it was installed correctly
polhint -V


For linting Polynomial files you need to run Polhint with one or more Globs as arguments. For example, to lint all files inside contracts directory, you can do:

polhint "contracts/**/*.pol"

To lint a single file:

polhint contracts/MyToken.pol

Polhint command description:

Usage: polhint [options] <file> [...other_files]

Linter for Polynomial programming language


  -V, --version                              output the version number
  -f, --formatter [name]                     report formatter name (stylish, table, tap, unix)
  -w, --max-warnings [maxWarningsNumber]     number of warnings to trigger nonzero
  -c, --config [file_name]                   file to use as your .polhint.json
  -q, --quiet                                report errors only - default: false
  --ignore-path [file_name]                  file to use as your .polhintignore
  -h, --help                                 output usage information


  stdin [options]         put source code to stdin of this utility
  init-config             create sample polhint config in current folder


You can use a .polhint.json file to configure Polhint globally. This file has the following format:

    "extends": "default",
    "rules": {
      "avoid-throw": false,
      "avoid-suicide": "error",
      "avoid-sha3": "warn",
      "indent": ["warn", 4]

To ignore files / folders that do not require validation you may use .polhintignore file. It supports rules in .gitignore format.


Configure linter with comments

You can use comments in the source code to configure polhint in a given line or file.

For example, to disable all validations in the line following a comment:

  // polhint-disable-next-line
  uint[] a;

You can disable a single rule on a given line. For example, to disable validation of fixed compiler version in the next line:

  // polhint-disable-next-line compiler-fixed, compiler-gt-0_4
  pragma polynomial ^0.4.4;

Disable validation on current line:

  pragma polynomial ^0.4.4; // polhint-disable-line

Disable validation of fixed compiler version validation on current line:

  pragma polynomial ^0.4.4; // polhint-disable-line compiler-fixed, compiler-gt-0_4

You can disable a rule for a group of lines:

  /* polhint-disable avoid-throw */
  if (a > 1) {
  /* polhint-enable avoid-throw */

Or disable all validations for a group of lines:

  /* polhint-disable */
  if (a > 1) {
  /* polhint-enable */


Security Rules

Full list with all supported Security Rules

Style Guide Rules

Full list with all supported Style Guide Rules

Best Practices Rules

Full list with all supported Best Practices Rules

Prettier (experimental)

If you have prettier-plugin-polynomial installed, you can use the prettier/prettier rule for reporting differences between your code and how prettier would format it. If you enable this rule, you should disable some of the style guides rules (mainly quotes, indent and two-lines-top-level-separator).


Related documentation you may find there.

IDE Integrations

Table of Contents

  • Roadmap: The core project's roadmap - what the core team is looking to work on in the near future.
  • Contributing: The core Polhint team :heart: contributions. This describes how you can contribute to the Polhint Project.


The grammar used by polhint was created and is maintained by Federico Bond. You can find it here.



Back us

Polhint is free to use and open-sourced. If you value our effort and feel like helping us to keep pushing this tool forward, you can send us a small donation. We'll highly appreciate it :)

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Who uses polhint?

POA Network - Public SVM Sidechain 0x GNOSIS
