
extend sails policies of blueprint rest

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import policeTree from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/police-tree';



  • police-tree extend sails policies when use blueprint rest

  • Sometimes, when we create apis with sails generator, the models may have Associations between them, and we don't want to expose all blueprint rest apis, so police-tree allow you create verify rule by only one root controller


First create the tree config like below:

treeConfig = {
  /* checkPoint is the point of the current root resource, when path like: /company/1/team/2
   * mean:
   * 1. match any method
   * 2. id == 1
   * 3. cb(false) return verify fail, cb(true) this point verify pass and goto endPoint verify
  checkPoint : { 
    "*": function (req, res, id, cb) {
      .... // some code
        cb(false); // return false when verify fail
  /* end point in the path,  when path like:/projects/1/todos/99/users/10
   * mean:
   * 1. end resource "users" and match only post method
   * 2. id == 10
   * 3. cb(false) return verify fail, cb(true) this point verify pass and goto nextLeaf that have defined
    endPoint : { 
      "users" :{
        "post" : function(req, res, id, cb){
              return false;
    nextLeaf : {
        // treeConfig of next leaf path, 
        // if the path is /company/1/team/2/project/3, 
        // then next path is /team/2/project/3 
        // and nextLeaf is corresponding config

then in the police file in the sails policies folder, call police-tree pass the config:

module.exports = function(req, res, next) {
  require("police-tree")(req, res, next, configTree);

when return false in the ponit of config tree, there will return 403 by use res.forbidden and return the message:

forbidden by police tree with xxxPoint

run test cases
